[Revised/Edited] Episode 3: That Which Must be Shielded

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- "To protect means to shield, to shield requires acceptance of having to suffer for others. To Grow up means to leave parts of one's old self behind"

[Nine days prior to the test | The Republic of Sefa]


I leaned my muscular arms against a concrete rail and stared at the night sky. One could make out various constellations from where I stood, despite being in the middle of a large city. Although, it was probably because this part of town's streetlamps were so badly maintained.

"Are you alright, Alto?" a voice called out. A teenage girl with the build of a track & field runner walked up to me. Her skin was almost as dark as mine. Accompanying her was a pale young man. Strands of crimson hair poked out of his hoodie. Underneath his thick bangs were a pair of warm golden eyes.

My electric blue eyes shifted back toward the sky. I sighed. What was I to do? My best friends had decided to go to Kyuu Seishin's Nine Petal Academy. Normally, I would've followed them, especially as it had been my dream to attend that school; to follow in my big brother's footsteps. Yet... there was something holding me back. This place needed me.

"I'm just thinking of how to break it to the kids," I responded, my eyes glittering as they reflected the radiance of the stars.

"I'm sure that they will understand, eventually," said the pale-skinned boy.

I smiled. "Yeah, eventually is the keyword."

Uli lowered his head, now staring at the near darkness below. Only a few street lamps lit the empty streets. Though even their light wasn't permanent, going on and off at every three-second interval.

I sighed. "I'm going to go for a walk. I need some time to think."

"At this time?" Arima asked, grabbing me by the arm. "It's dangerous."

I gave her a smug grin. "I'll be fine. I have magic to protect me."

Her eyes darted around. "Yeah. But..."

I placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring grin. "Trust me. When have I ever lost a street brawl?"

She flinched and slowly loosened her grip on me. "Never, but—"

I freed myself from her weakened grip and shrugged. "See? You're worrying for nothing. You two should worry about yourselves.

Arima's turned away. Her gray eyes gazed at the stars. "I hope that you're right."


I walked across the desolate streets, feeling the cool afternoon breeze against my face and arms. I covered my hands with dark blue electricity, lighting up the dim streets. Using this spell here was a double-edged sword. It allowed me to see with ease and scared away those without magic. But it attracted ruffians with magic. Well, ruffians in general as there were those who weren't frightened at the possibility of fighting someone with it. I usually didn't use it against those without magic. Unless an opponent got too close for comfort.

"What should I do?" I asked as I came across a park. The place was covered in weeds with only the areas under the abandoned equipment avoiding said fate. The place hadn't been in use since my father was a child, which was like forty years ago or so.

Calmly, I made my way toward a rusted swing and kicked it. The thing still swung but spat out a rust colored dust and made a screeching sound that would frighten any passing cats.

Shrugging, I sat down and slowly swung back and forth, allowing the wind to flow across my wavy hair. "Perhaps I should stay and try to rebuild this place for the kiddos," I said to myself. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine the children and their parents enjoying a day out at the park. The smiles on their faces at having a wide and safe place to play or for their loved ones to do so. Parents talking about their kids, competing against one another by pointing out how good their son or daughter was at swinging across the monkey bars.

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