Episode 87: Glorious Stars

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"Unconditional love is a powerful force that can move mountains, rivers, and even space-time!"


"Another long day done," I said, stretching my arms towards the sky. The sun was past the halfway mark, soon it was going to be setting.

The other day I was too tired to go to the circle, but now I was ready.

"Follow me," Yuzuki said. She escorted me to the school park. In the center of the five mile track was a white circle. When we arrived the entire track was filled with spectators.

"What's going on?" I said, looking around the place. People were chattering away, but instead of having smiles they were frowning. "Is something bad going on?

"Yuzu, Ori," Tasunke and Tashunka yelled from inside the crowd. The two pushed their way out of the crowd. Their eyes sparkled with excitement. "Kaizuki Amamiya is battling."

I glanced over at Yuzuki for answers as to who that guy was.

Yuzuki rubbed her chin nervously. "Kaizuki is ranked fourteen in this school. In other words, my superior." She narrowed her eyes, trying to make out who he was battling. "Who's his opponent?"

"No one," the twins said in unison. "He's waiting for someone brave enough to challenge him."

I grinned. "So he's one rank higher than Yuzu, in that case..." I pushed my way through the crowd, but instead it ended up being the other way around. I was pushed into the center by the crowd.

Coming to a stop, I dusted off my blazer. 

"How rude, no need to push!" I grumbled.

A six foot tall man dressed in ruby-red plated armor stepped toward me. I was already skinny compared to most other guys, but compared to his muscular body I looked more like a twig.

"You're the idiot who decided to challenge me?" he said and he held a hand to the side. A long black wand materialized in his hand. Instantly he transformed it into an equally dark katana that was even taller than he was! He grinned at my reaction. "You're a freshman so you likely don't have a familiar. I guess I won't be able to test it out..."

I summoned my own wand and transformed it into a set of miniature water-blue stiletto knives with a red star on the hilt.

"Orion, don't overuse your time magic," Yuzuki called out.

I stepped back and grinned. "I won't," I yelled back at her. "Aqua Draco." Water danced around me. It shaped itself into a long bodied, legless dragon. I directed the aquatic dragon with my right index finger to attack the ninth highest ranked student.

Kaizaki's katana slashed through my water dragon with ease. The two equal halves splattered to the floor and sent water in all directions.

I grinned and snapped my fingers. The crowd stopped talking. The only one who moved was Yuzuki. I waved at her but all she did was give me a cold stare. Harsh crowd.

"Now, reform!" I commanded. The two ponds rose into the air and reformed into a single water dragon. The draconic spell attacked Kaizaki from behind, and it sent him falling to the ground. I grabbed his sword and forced it to revert back into its wand form.

Though I could only carry that plan out for a bit. I dropped his wand to the ground as I staggered forward. I had to finish this match quickly. My prana wouldn't last much longer.

Time returned to normal. Kaizaki stood up, puzzled by what had happened. Water wrapped around his neck.

"I win," I said with a grin. I kicked him over the barrier, cementing my placement as the ninth rank student in the academy.

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