[Revised/Edited] Episode 10: The Fae Child

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- "The Awakening of the soul is like the blooming of the lotus."

[Two days prior to the Test- Northwestern Xian]


"Where is everyone? The note said to look for a meadow," I said, glancing at the clearing. I smiled at the boulder at the center of the flowers and hopped on it. Sitting down cross-legged, I closed my gray-violet eyes. "Psychicae Draconis."

A pink, long-bodied, legless dragon manifested from the center of my forehead. The dragon moved over what a sea of green with white peaks occasionally poking out of it.

The dragon descended, allowing me to make out the details of the trees. It flew a mile further north before finally catching the glimpse of a campsite.

"Alright, seems like I've found the right one," I said. Opening my eyes. "Now to teleport."

A swirl of purple prana enveloped my entire body. I gasped as I fell into a body of water. I'd warped into a lake, but why?

"This doesn't seem like the right place. My dragon's nowhere in sight. I should've teleported into my psychic dragon's head." I jumped as something flew past me. If it'd been a few more inches to the left, it would've hit me. "W... what was that?"

I looked straight ahead as I felt something cold pressed against my neck. A water sword. A pair of bright blue eyes stared back at me like sharp daggers. They belonged to a cyan-haired girl holding a towel over her body.

My face heated up as I pushed the water blades away. "Uh, sorry." I looked around. "My dragon, where is it?" Water gripped his feet.

The girl narrowed her eyes. "You have ten seconds to leave, or I'll drown you. You damn pervert!"

"Sorry, sorry." I bowed multiple times, sweat rolling down my face. "I didn't mean to teleport here."

The girl side-eyed the western corner of the large glistening lake. There were several fallen trees as if something had crashed nearby. "You said something about a dragon, right?" She tightened the grip of the water tendrils on me. "Wait, your prana. You're a psychic, aren't you? You dirty little-"

I held my hands out in front of me and shook my head over and over. "It was an accident! I swear! I wouldn't ever dare peep on a girl!"

"Sarah, what's taking you so long," a familiar voice called out.

I turned around and saw a blond-haired girl.

"This isn't what it looks like!" I yelled, closing my eyes. My eyes opened wide as the blond wrapped her arms around me. "D-do I know you?"

The blond chuckled as she slowly let go of me. " You don't recall? I'm Vermeil."

Sarah leered at the two of us. "Is this your friend, Amber? If he is, then I suggest that you start picking better friends."

The blond scoffed. "You're my friend too."

Sarah scoffed as she formed a wall of water between us and her. "Like I would ever be friends with the likes of you, Amber."

Vermeil snickered. "Ah, don't call me by my last name now." She grabbed my hand. "Let's leave the sourpuss princess. I'll show you to the campsite, An."

The cyan-haired girl sighed. "At least it wasn't one of those knights."

"Knights? What knights?" I asked, looking back.

"Ugh, good thing I made this wall," she mumbled.

Water splashed against my back. I yelped and jumped. "S-sorry! I really didn't mean to look!"

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