[Revised/Edited] Episode 65: Secret Revealed?

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"The Future isn't at all how one expects it to be. That doesn't necessarily mean that it must be worse than predicted. Make the most of what you have and aim for your dreams."


Our teacher smiled as she looked up at the birds in the sky. "Adela, are your birds progressing?" Ms. Key asked.

"They're starting to get full. I didn't think there would be so many insects," Adela responded as she wiped sweat out of her forehead. She had tried her hardest to fix the wiring, but it wasn't easy due to all of the anti-magic metal coating them.

"It appears that the insects aren't the only issue," Yuzuki said. She had arrived half an hour earlier and helped us clean out the dorms. She and the rest of us had been hard at work trying to make our dorms as livable for the time being as possible. She even suggested that some of the girls stay in her room as she had the extra space to spare, being the only occupier of it. "There are mold infestations in the bathrooms and in the swimming pool."

"There's a swimming pool?" Wanikiya exclaimed, his eyes glimmering.

Zelde nudged him. "You should find it and clean it up."

"There is also one in the girls' dorm but that one is located in the newer side of the dorm. The old dorms also have their own kitchens, but it seems that they don't work anymore. Until we get those things fixed, you can use the new dorm's facilities," Ms. Key explained.

"I rather fix them," Adela said. "I don't want to cause fights in the dorm over who uses what."

She nodded. "In that case, I'll try to see what things I can buy with the limited budget that the Dorm council gave me."

"What's the budget?" Iah asked.

"1000 ciel for both dorms."

Iah showed off his card again. "If we need any extra money, I'll pay, I refuse to live in these conditions for a long period of time."

Ms. Key looked down. "It must be nice to be rich enough to pay for your dorm's repairs out of pocket."

"Well, actually, it's my parents' money," Iah admitted.

"You were going to use half a million of your parents' money to get a better room?" I asked. "What if something goes wrong back home and your parents end up needing that money?"

"Well, they gave it to me for my school expenses, they have their own accounts. Mina is a very wealthy country, you know, that's why our envious neighbors, the Kyuu Seishinians, have tried to conquer us multiple times. The issue, of course, is that this money is for my spending for all three years I'm here, so I have to be careful not to use up too much. It's a good thing you stopped me from giving it all to Eien."

"Lucky you," Uli said.

Ms. Key took out a long sheet of paper. "I've calculated the costs already. If we buy cheap paint we can paint both sections using 150 Vian. The repairs to the walls and ceiling are far more expensive at 1765 Vian. Most of that 1765 on repairs will be to repair the leaky roof. Any damaged walls can be fixed cheaply with some plaster."

"It sounds like you're an expert at this," Nyima said.

She laughed. "Well, I did have to fix my family's apartment several times. Father taught me all the ropes of how to get the most for my buck. I should warn you that, sometimes, buying cheap isn't the best option, you have to take quality into account, too. Now on to the electricity. We have to determine what is wrong with the wiring. My hypothesis is that the rodents we saw at the girls' dorm chewed the wires."

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