[Revised/Edited] Episode 1: The Warrior of Wind Rises

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-"Protect what is precious with all you've got, or else you might find yourself with nothing one day."


[Several decades later- Caelum, Wahkan]

"Come on, Lei, think!" I said, tapping my head as I stared at the notebook on the kitchen table. Grumbling, I ran my hands through my honey-brown hair. "I have to start with a plan...First, I'll... No, that won't work. Maybe I could--wait, that won't work either!" I groaned in agony. "My Goddess, how do I handle this? Nine days is not enough time!"

I let go of my hair as footsteps clicked against the green linoleum floor. It was my twin sister - well, technically she was my triplet, even though most labeled us as twins.

"Less planning, more training. It's as simple as that," Yen said, casually leaning against the wooden table as her turquoise eyes met mine.

I took a deep breath, letting my anger subside. "You're right, as usual. This is a waste of time. I need to stop worrying and train!" I closed my green notebook, pushed it away from me, and stood up. "I need some fresh air."

"You just realized?" She shook her head. "Seriously, Lei, you've been an anxious mess since you woke up."

I smiled slightly. "Yeah... If only I could be as calm as you." I glanced at the notebook I'd just abandoned as familiar words echoed through my mind.

"You, Magus Maximus? Ha! I doubt you'll ever stop being a Novus Magus, let alone become the strongest mage in the known universe," a black-haired elementary school student said. The image was as fresh as if I'd traveled back to witness the scene. The bully kicked sand into my kid self's face, which he shielded himself from with a strong wind gust.

"You're wrong. Four years from now, you'll take that back. I will be admitted to Nine Petal Academy and outdo you! At the end of my three years there, I will surely have the upper hand. You will come face to face with my true strength!" a young me yelled.

The boy laughed. "You talk big, but you'll always be a loser. You can't do a thing alone." He threw his thumb over his shoulder toward the park. There were kids running around but there was no sight of my family. "See that? Even your older siblings don't think you're worth rescuing."

Kid me struggled to his feet, not noticing the white sand sticking to his tear-streaked face due to the excruciatingly painful bug bites that dotted his arms. "They'll come, they will! But that doesn't matter, I can deal with you alone!"

The bully waved his hand and turned his back to me. "Yeah, yeah. You know, picking on you has gotten boring. Your words never mean anything, and the result is always the same. Destroying someone so weak over and over is just too cruel, even for me."

Young Lei tensed as his hands curled into fists and his lips drew back to reveal his clenched teeth. "You'll pay for this..." The agony from the bug bites forced him back into the cold sand, tears of frustration turning the grains into a dab shade of gray. "My words are not all bark... I won't stop until you and the rest of the world realizes that."

The disgust in the bully's blue eyes hit deeper than the bug bites. "Give up. You're worthless! You don't stand a chance of becoming the next Magus Maximus. Just look at your talented siblings. Destiny chose you to be weak. You don't even deserve to share the same face as them. Not that their efforts are less pitiful. I will be the Magus Maximus, and there's nothing you, nor your siblings can do to stop me."

The shaking in my knees subsided abruptly. "I told you before, I'm not giving up! This is MY dream! My fate is my choice! I will shape it to what I desire!" young me screamed at the top of his lungs. The rage that boiled inside me made me forget the pain in my arms. Sand spun around me in a flurry of wrath.

Aspiration to the Heavens: Becoming the Supreme Mage Vol. 1- Novus MagusWhere stories live. Discover now