Chapter Two- Blood Strips

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Rey and Jessika were at her house . "He was just a boy" Rey said taking a seat at her couch .

"Oh my god ! Rey you called him cute !" Jessika shook her arm.

"Who's my little girl calling cute?" Han asked coming from down the stairs .

"No one daddy" Rey said grabbing her phone .

"His name is Ben and he has a leather jacket and motorcycle" Jessika told him.

"Jessa !" Rey smacked her arm and scolded her .

"What's his name ?" Han asked .

"Nothing daddy -"

"His last name is Kenobi ... He's tall too" Jessika smirked at Rey .

"Kenobi ... Kenobi ... That sounds familiar... Hon ? What was Satine's last name ?"

"Kenobi I think" she said from the kitchen .

Rey looked at Jessika who smiled. "I always like Jessika" Han admitted .

"It's because she doesn't keep her mouth shut !" Rey said to her friend .
Jessika stuck her tongue out at her and then Han sat down next to his daughter .

"Leather jacket or not I'm meeting him before you go on any dates" Han said .

"Who's going on dates and who are you meeting?" Leia asked coming in with a plate full of cookies .

"Rey May have a date !"

"I do not ! Stop saying that!" She admitted and then she grabbed a cookie .


"Ben ! You're home !" His mother said as he walked in .

"Hey mom" he said as she unpacked boxes .

"How was the first day?" Satine asked.

"Alright... They fucked up my schedule-"

"Benjamin!" She scolded . "Not that language is my house ... And how did they mess up your a schedule?"

"They gave me the wrong science ... So tomorrow I start AP Biology instead of AP Chem..." Ben replied talking a bite of the cookie that she had made.

"Well at least it will all be sorted out" Satine told him... "Dad had to go to base again... So he'll be back tomorrow night"

"Yeah" Ben smiled as he took off his leather jacket.

"What's got you all happy?" Satine asked her son.

"Well... There was this girl-"

"A girl !! Tell me !" Satine squealed happily at her son.

"Well... She's really pretty... Long brown hair and really light makeup... She has really long black lashes and like freckles on her cheeks ... She's kinda short though... Maybe 5'4..."

"And her name?" She asked.

"Rey... Rey Solo" he said.

"Solo... Solo... That sounds familiar... How old is she?" She asked.

"Probably my age... Why?" He asked.

"When your father and I were having you there was this couple ... The Solo's ... They were having a baby around the same time as us... I think she's probably Han and Leia's daughter... Your father and Han weren't the best of friends"

"Oh ... What happened?"

"Han and Ben were high school rivals ... Hated each other guts... And your father said we won... Since we had the son first"

"Well I am the best" Ben smiled then walked up to his room to work on his homework.


"Hello class ... We have a new student... This is Benjamin Kenobi...there's a seat back there with Rey... " she pointed to the back.

Ben made his way to sit back with her. "Ahh... We meet again" he said talking a seat.

"I see so" she said with a hint of a smile.

"Class... Right now I want you all to fill out these forms while I get the equipment to start the tests" Ms. Kanata said and walked out as the forms where filled out.

"Okay... What's your mother's blood type?" Rey asked.

"Usually a girl makes a guy cookies before that" Ben joked. "Okay ... My mom is AB.."

"And your father?" Rey asked.

"AB" he said. "And your mom?"

"O... And my dad is b " she said writing it down on the paper.

"Okay class... What you're going to do is prick your finger, draw a drop of blood ... Then mix it on the card... You'll find out your blood then you'll use the card to figure out which parent you get the main DNA from and what your brother and sisters could have as well" Ms. Kanata said.

Ben took his finger then pricked it and mixed the small splat of blood on the card.

"I've got O..."He said looking at the card "that's crazy" he said . "This is messed up... I mean ... How can AB and AB make O? This must be messed up" he said.

"Let me see " Rey said and then pricked her finger and did the test... "Okay this is broken... It's saying I'm AB but my mom and dad are O and B..." She said looking at the chart...

"Maybe we're doing it wrong we should ask Ms. Kanata" Ben said and raised his hand.

"No ... You're doing it both right" she said after looking at their cards. "It's working for everyone else and it's done correctly..." Ms. Kanata said.


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