Chapter Eleven- Stressed As Hell

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"Hello? Satine ? Yeah this is Rey... I was wondering if the three of you would like to come over for dinner tonight... Say around 6:30? Great ... We'll see you then" she said and put the phone down.

Rey turned to the kitchen and began to cook as she waited for the time to come.

"Rey? Honey?" Leia asked walking into the kitchen. "Are the Kenobi's coming?"

"Yeah" she said as she mixed some vegetables.

"Well... Your father might be a little late since he had that meeting with Lando"

"Oh... That's okay" Rey said .

"Alright... Well are you sure you don't want any help?"

"Actually... Could you watch everything I need to pick up some things" Rey asked.

"Okay..." Leia smiled at her daughter.

Rey grabbed her phone and car keys then texted Ben.

Rey: Ben where are you?

Ben: I'm going to get some coffee...

Rey: where?

Ben: lando's

Rey: I'll meet you there ... In the parking lot

Ben: you okay ?

Rey: fine

Ben: you sure babe?

Rey: I'm fine ...

Ben: ok.. This isn't a test is it?

Rey: no

Ben: k

About ten minutes later Rey pulled into parking lot and saw Ben there with a cup of coffee and one he was sipping .

Rey got out of her car and looked at him. "What's wrong?" Ben asked seeing her upset face .

"Nothing" she said and then hugged him. "I'm tired that's all"

"Rey... That can't be all" he said as they walked to her car.

"Trust me ... I'm just tired ... I've had a lot on my mind" she sighed.

"Well... We're coming over for dinner so you might as tell as me what's bothering you"

"Nothing is bothering me damnit ! Okay I'm just stressed!" She yelled slamming her on the steering wheel.

"Why are you stressed?" He asked.

"Everything!" She sighed "everything ! You and me and then our parents ! Then they stopped funding cheer -"

"What ? When?" Ben asked as she was driving to the store.

"Not enough money " she said.

"Rey I'm sure you guys could-"

"Ben... We had to choose... Cheer or the new special Ed program" she sniffled.

Ben rubbed her back "it's gonna be okay..."

"And then student council is holding reelection...." She sighed.

"You'll do fine-" he said.

"Ben you don't understand ... What if colleges and all?" She sighed.

"You're gonna be okay"

"Ben... I'm just worried about a lot of things... You're gonna go to the military soon -"

"No I'm not" he said "I've decided against it... The other night while I was having dinner with Leia and Han... They were talking about college ... And that you're going and they both went... I told my dad ... He was pissed but he said he'll help me"

"You're going to college ? Ben that's great... What school?"

"Don't know yet... I need to send out my applications and all... But I'd like to be near you so if you could tell me what schools you're looking at"

"I will... Once I've narrowed down my list" she sighed.

"How many schools you're thinking about?" Ben had put his hand on her thigh.

"Well... Around 56 at my list... But I'm gonna aim for just like 4 to apply to"

"Close by?" He asked.

"Close by... At least a 45 minute drive"

"And if we got to the same one then we could stay in each other's dorms and fool around"

"I mean... I would offer to fool around but last time we did it in the car we got arrested" she laughed.

"It was only a fine for the parking -"

"It was a close call though Ben" she smiled . "I think we should tell our parents tonight"

"That I'm going to college?" He asked "they already know"

"No Ben ... I mean us... I can't keep this secret much longer ... Because if I do... I'll go crazy... We don't have to tell them about having sex in the back of my father's truck and that why they were called to the police station but we do need to tell them... Tonight"

"I mean... Alright... And what happens if things get ugly-"

"We're 18... We can make up our own minds and choices... They don't have to encourage it just respect it"

"Okay babe" he then kissed her.


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