6- Take the Risk

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Mitch's POV

I run through the teacher's hallway, to the students hallway. Tears are streaming down my face. I hate crying. I hate this. I don't know what to think of that man. I know that I can never hate him, he's my mate. But he just rejects me without giving a reason. Why must this happen to me?

I burst through the door. Kirstie looks up from her phone, her face immediately contorts in concern when she sees my tear stained face. "Mitch!" She walks over to me, taking me into her arms.

I let everything go, crying uncontrollably in her arms. I can't help it, it just hurts so much. My wolf is whining non-stop. Mates are supposed to love each other. The moon goddess creates werewolves in pairs. She makes them soulmates. They are supposed to be together.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Kirstie asks me in a soft voice. She brushes my bangs out of my face.

"H-He is my mate." I sniffle. Sobs are still taking over my body. I never thought I would be rejected by my mate. I always imagined myself finding my mate in some sort of club or bar. We would kiss, we would make love and then spend the rest of our lives together.

Kirstie gasps audibly. "Your mate?" She still thinks the principal is a mean man. Maybe he is. Maybe he likes to conflict pain. He would be very sadistic if he would reject his mate only to conflict pain. I mean, it hurts him too right?

"Y-Yeah." I hiccup. I need to stop crying. I don't cry over guys. I've had a few boyfriends but I always broke up with them.

"But how?" I look at Kirstie's face. She looks flabbergasted.

"I don't know, Kirst." I sigh. I don't want to waste any more tears on him. If he doesn't want me, then I don't want him.

Who am I kidding. I still want him. I will always want him, I was basically made to want him.

"But he rejected me." Kirstie calmed me down a bit. I have stopped crying and can now talk without stuttering.

"What?! He rejected you?! That bastard!" Kirstie yells. Rejecting your mate is unheard of and frowned upon. For a very good reason too.

"I know." I know it's not my fault. I didn't do anything wrong, it's his loss. But it still hurts so much. My own mate doesn't want me.

Someone knocks on the door. Kirstie and I both look up, not expecting anyone. "Who's there?" Kirstie asks, raising her voice.

"It's Esther, can I come in?" What would Esther be doing here?

"Yes sure. Come in." Kirstie says. Her arms wrap tighter around me, as if she wants to protect me. It's a sweet gesture but I can take care of myself. I sit up straighter and wipe my tears away. Esther does not need to see those.

"Hi, can I speak with Mitch?" Esther asks nicely. I nod my head. I think I know what she wants to talk about. "Alone?" She says when Kirstie does not move.

Kirstie sends Esther a glare, but does get up. She walks out of the door, probably to Jeremy.

"So I want to talk to you about your mate." Esther says seriously. I'm not sure if I'm up for this. If he wants to talk to me, he should come. Don't send one of your minions. Jerk.

"Shoot." I say. It's not Esther's fault. She's probably just doing her job.

"I've known him since he was 10. We were childhood friends, grew up together." I just look at her blankly. I'm not sure what to do with this information. "He ran away from home when he was 15. You see ,he has some sort of powers, which lead to him being hunted. People want to kill him. They have been trying to kill him since he was little. He ran away because he wanted to protect his parents, and me. I didn't see him for 3 years until I turned 18 and went to look for him. I found him, alone, homeless. We tried to settle down but he was hunted everywhere we went. Finally, we found this school and he became principal. This school is so secluded and anonymous that he hasn't been found. He uses a different name too. His real name is not Mister Howard." She sighs.

"That's sad and all but what does that has to do with me?" I really don't get it.

"He 'rejected' you," she says making air quotes, "because he's afraid. He's still being hunted even though it has been going well for years. He doesn't want to put you in danger. He's afraid you could die. It is a risk, Mitch." Is it that bad? I could die? "I personally think it's worth it. Those people will probably stop hunting him one day, or he kills them. I've seen what it does to werewolves. Rejection. A student here on this school got rejected. She committed suicide."

My eyes widen. Is that why she's here? She doesn't want me to commit suicide? "I would never. I have friends, family. I have a future." Not my whole life is about him. I still don't even know his name.

"I'm glad you're still positive. I just wanted you to know why he said he would reject you. I am trying to convince him to take a chance, but he is very determined. He doesn't want you hurt. And I think it's also up to you. You can tell him, no I don't want to take the risk or yes, I want to try to live a normal happy life with you." This is so complicated. I never really hated me being a halfblood but now I do. I wish I was a strong wolf who could defend himself.

I don't even know his name. I only met him once. He was not nice to me, but somehow I know I'm willing to take the risk. "I want to try. Take the risk."

Esther smiles brightly at me. "I'm glad. We just have to convince him now. I'll do my best. I'll try to get him to talk to you. We have to break down his walls and his defence mechanism. It's not going to be easy, he's stubborn and hardheaded, but I want him happy. And I know you can make him happy."

I try to smile back at Esther. "That's a lot of weight on my shoulders. What if I can't?"

Esther lays a hand on my shoulder. "I know you can. The only thing holding you guys back is him." I sigh. She's right. Mates make each other happy.

"Okay. I hate to admit it, but I really want him." I blush, looking down at my lap.

"Good. And by the way, his name is Scott." She winks at me before walking out of the room.

Elemental Werewolf (Scomiche) (student/teacher)Where stories live. Discover now