19- Helping Hand

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A bit of smut at the end. Not R, but PG-something.

Mitch's POV

Kirstie runs up to me, tackling me in a hug. "Where were you?!" She screams in my ear. I swear my eardrum just exploded.

I pull away, I don't need the other eardrum broken too. "I was at Scott's." I say. I can feel a smile breaking through on my face.

Kirstie lets out a loud squeal. "Tell me everything!" We are in our room now, I figured I had to change first before going to school. I also need coffee and breakfast.

"We're in a relationship now." I say, while making coffee. There is no Starbucks around here, but I do have my own coffee machine. "I slept with him." Before I can think of my choice of words Kirstie squeals again.

"OMG!! HOW WAS IT?!" I swear she's more excited about Scott and I having sex, which didn't even happen, then me and Scott in a relationship.

"I didn't mean it like that!" I quickly say. "I just slept with him on the couch. We didn't have sex or anything." I rush out.

Kirstie looks at me, skeptically. "What then? Handjobs, blowjobs?" And I thought I was blunt. It's nothing compared to Kirstie.

I almost spit my coffee all over the table. "No! Jesus, it's not like that! We just cuddled! And maybe made out, but that's it!"

"Hmmm." Kirstie keeps looking at me, probably trying to see if I'm lying.

"What about you and Jeremy? Have you mated?" I not so subtly change the topic.

"We have. Like the first day we met. And let me tell you, it was great. The way he.."

"Okay, stop! I don't need that much details, thank you very much." This girl, I swear. She just laughs.

The bell rings and we head off to class together.

The rest of the school day is just boring lessons. I'm not really focused today, I think about Scott all the time. What would he be doing right now? Is he thinking of me too? Or is he very busy with work and I don't even cross his mind?

Mr. Olusola goes extra hard on me in P.E. He can see my mind is not there even though I really try to focus. He doesn't really make me bleed or anything but I do have a few bruises. It's okay though, I'll live.

Finally the last bell rings and school is over for today. I want to see Scott. I'm also his 'secretary' now, so I'm expected to go to the office.

I walk through the door, immediately spotting Esther. "Hi Mitch." She says. I really like Esther, she kind of is like a big sister.

"Hey Es. How are you?" I ask happily. I'm glad to be here.

"I'm good. Just jealous of you too. I wish I had a mate. But I'm human so I have to put up with dumb humans. I wish I had a mate." I kind of feel sorry for her. But there must be a human out there for her right?

"You're gonna meet them, Es. One day you will." I give her a quick hug. I don't want her to be sad.

She pulls back, a smile on her face again. "Go to your man now." I kiss her on the cheek before going to Scott's office.

I walk inside the office without knocking, I think I don't have to knock.

Scott looks up from his papers. His expression immediately changes from annoyed to happy. "Hi baby!" He gets up from his chair and walks over to me. He leans down a bit to kiss me on my lips.

"Hey Scotty. I missed you you." Just being with him makes me feel better. "How was your day?" I wrap my arms around his waist, burying my head in his chest.

I feel his arms wrap around my back. He softly kisses the top of my head. "I missed you too. My day was fine. We found out that something happened with the fire elemental but we don't know what." He tells me what Esther and him found out this morning.

"I hope you can find them and then kill the hunters." I say, looking up at him.

He pecks my forehead. "Me too." He grabs my hand, pulling me out of the office. "See you tomorrow, Esther!" Scott says to her when we pass by her.

"See you, use protection!" She yells. I burst out laughing. That woman. Scott's whole face turns red, making me laugh even harder.

We go into Scott's apartment. He immediately pushes me against the door, kissing me roughly. His tongue almost attacks me, dominant over mine. It's hot, I'll admit it. I'm not the type to submit but if it's with Scott, I'll gladly do it. I love his dominant side. We keep kissing for a while until we both have to let go of each other for air.

I breath heavily. "God, that was hot." Scott can be so bipolar sometimes. First he's all shy and red and then suddenly very hot and dominant.

"I'm gonna take a shower." He says, also out of breath.

I just smirk at him. I might have an idea why he's taking a shower. "Okay." He walks of to the bathroom, closing the door.

I sit down on the couch, trying to calm myself. I'm affected by this too, you know. Imagining Scott probably masturbating in the shower only makes it worse.

I have to pee.

But Scott is in the bathroom. I walk over to the door. It isn't locked. Should I just go in and pee? I mean he has a curtain right? Maybe he was just feeling sweaty or just felt like taking a shower. It could be completely normal.

I quietly open the door. I can just pee and get out of here. He doesn't need to know.

I step inside the bathroom. The shower has a shower curtain. I can't see Scott, I can hear the water running though. But other than that, no sound.

I pee as quietly as I can.

In the middle of peeing I hear a sound. I focus on it. It's Scott's breath. He starts breathing faster and faster. Oh god. He is masturbating. He starts moaning too.

"Mitch." Does he know I'm here? "Mitch." He is totally moaning my name. An idea pops into my head. This can end horribly wrong with rejection on my end or very right.

I strip out of all my clothes. I'm gonna help him get rid of his problem and he can help me get rid of mine. Cause that's how it works right?

Fuck, just thinking of it has me almost completely hard.

I push away the shower curtain, stepping in. Scott lets out a yelp when he sees me, but I quickly shut him up by kissing him. My hand travels down from his chest to his stomach. I can feel it tense, when my fingers touch the muscles there.

Scott breaks the kiss. "What are you doing?" He asks. His voice is hoarse and a bit shaky.

"I'm helping you." I say, trying to sound as seductive as I can. I look down at his obvious erection. He's big. I'm gonna have fun with him. I wrap my fingers around him, enjoying the feeling of him in my hand.

He groans, throwing his head back. "Y-Yesss." He starts panting and moaning. Let me tell you, it is the hottest thing ever.

I start stroking him, earning even more moans from him. I pick up the pace, steadily jerking him off. I don't mind it one bit. Just seeing his face, makes me unbelievably hard. Got he's so hot.

He finally comes after a few good tugs. That was fast. I guess he really was already rockhard. "Fuck." He leans back against the wall, trying to catch his breath.

"Help me now, please?" He immediately comes to me again, grabbing my member. He starts jerking me off in a fast pace, making me come undone in just a minute. Fuck, this is so good. "Scott!" I scream in my release.

Scott's eyes widen, as if he just realized what we did. He immediately steps away from me. "Oh my god, Mitch."

"It's okay, Scott. Sometimes you just need a helping hand." I wink at him before stepping out of the shower.


Elemental Werewolf (Scomiche) (student/teacher)Where stories live. Discover now