27- Saving the Elementals

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Mitch's POV

We stay there together behind the rock, both of us anxiously waiting for someone to come.

We have been sitting here for like 10 minutes now and no one has come yet. No one from home but also not from the cave. Everything is quiet.

I look over at Esther to see her picking her nails. She hasn't said anything to me and I have not said anything to her. It's no time for small talk and the only thing we can do now is wait. We can't go in the cave alone, we won't survive that and we won't be able to save Lindsey and Scott.

It's around noon now I think. The sun in in the middle of the sky, beating down on us. I start sweating, not only from the heat but also from nerves. I hate this waiting, I feel like I'm just waiting for Scott to be killed.

I've had more drama in the past three weeks than in my entire life. I don't know how Scott did it. He lived his entire life, hiding and waiting to be found by the hunters.

I look at Esther, she is still not saying anything. It's quite unusual for her, she is normally very chatty. I get that this is not a normal situation though. I stare at the trees where we came from again.

About 5 minutes later my wolf ears finally hear something from the forest. I get up quickly, intently looking in the forest trying to see anything. Esther stands up too, following my line of sight. There is nothing to see though.

I listen carefully, trying to detect any sounds. I can hear paws hitting the ground, coming closer and closer.

I turn to Esther enthusiastically. "I can hear wolf paws coming closer!" I say. I can see a glint of hope forming in her eyes. "I think that's them."

We wait impatiently as I can hear them coming closer and closer. It has to be Mister O and friends right? It can't be reinforcements from the hunters. That would be too coincidental. I really hope I'm right.

Finally I can make out some fast approaching figures. They keep coming closer and I can make out the individual wolves. Relief flows through me when I see Kevin's dark brown fur. There is a girl on his back though? She seems 10 or something. His daughter maybe? But why would he bring his daughter?

They stop in front of us. They all shift back, immediately putting on clothes. I recognize a lot of our teachers. There are 3 people I don't know and something like 8 teachers. And then the strange girl. 

"Esther, Mitch. Where is mister Howard?" I takes a while before I realize that he is talking about Scott.

I quickly speak. "He is inside that cave." I say, pointing to the cave. "The hunters took him and Lindsey."

"Yeah, about these hunters." He looks back at Esther. "You told me about it but I don't completely understand."

"Scott, the water elemental, and Lindsey, the fire elemental, are being hunted for what they are. We tried to help them beat the hunters but it didn't go well as you see. You have to save them!" I say, trying to explain as quickly as possible.

"Okay, do you know how many there are?" Mister O says, his expression very serious.

"We took out pretty much of them, but I would say there are around 10-15 left." Esther says. "But we don't know if there are any other we haven't seen yet."

"Okay, we'll go in as soon as possible." He nods at us. Scott is like their alpha so they will do anything for him. He points at the girl next to him. "This is El. She is my niece. She has some telepathic powers that no one is supposed to know about." Why does everyone suddenly have powers?

"Okay, let's go now." I shift in my wolf. Esther goes on Mister Kaplan's back. I run in the cave, following mister O.

The cave is dark now, because we don't have Lindsey to cast some light. Werewolf eyes are better than human eyes though, so I'm not completely blind.

Esther leads the way to where we last saw them. After we reach that spot, we stop. We don't know where to go now. I sniff the ground, starting to follow Scott's scent. It's clear cause he was obviously bleeding.

The scent becomes stronger and stronger, indicating that we're almost there.

When the smell is so strong that I'm sure we're very close to Scott, an alarm suddenly goes off. We all jump, startled by the sound.

I start running at full speed, knowing someone noticed us. They can't lock this place down now. I have to reach Scott.

Finally I can see Scott. I breath out in relief. He seems okay. The only problem is, is that he is behind a glass door. I walk around the glass room he is in. I round the corner to be greeted with a gun.

"Stop! Don't move or I will shoot him." The guy holds the gun against my head. I can't believe how some people are so stupid, like I'm faster than a human so I can take him out any second. Dumbass.

I quickly strike forwards, knocking the gun out the guy's hand. I bite him in the neck after that so he bleeds to death. I don't have mercy for guys like this.

I can see my teachers take out the rest of the men.

"Stop everything you do now!" A voice inside the room where Scott is says. He is standing next to him with some sort of device in his hands. I don't know what he is planning on doing but he is way too close to my Scott. "This," he holds up the device in the air for us to see, "can send shocks through the cuffs on his arms. I can put the volts so high that he can die." He says threatening. Shit. Fuck. No. I look at Scott, terrified for him. We were so close.

Scott looks totally calm though, like he doesn't care. How can he be calm. I look at him intently, trying to figure out what is going through his head. Is he not afraid at all? I see him subtly shaking his head no. No? What is he talking about? I don't understand.

"Everyone, shift back in your human forms." The guy says. I don't hesitate in doing so, I don't want Scott to die.

Suddenly the man drops to the ground. What the hell? Scott just walks to us very calmly, like nothing happened. "I need the key to get rid of these things." He mutters dryly. Did he just kill the guy? Why didn't I think of that? Of course he can just kill him!

He just walks past me. "Now we have to free Lindsey." With that he walks away from me, not even sparing me a glance. That was weird.

I just wanna say a quick thanks for everyone that voted and commented and followed, it truly means a lot to me!

Don't forget to vote!

Elemental Werewolf (Scomiche) (student/teacher)Where stories live. Discover now