23- Conspiracy Theories

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Mitch's POV

It's just me and Scott in the room now. I can't believe Lindsey and Esther are gonna have sex sooner than we will. They have met today and we met like 3 weeks ago. This is not fair. Lindsey is being hunted too and it doesn't stop her!
And now Scott is going to fight some super dangerous battle and he might die before I even had him! This sucks.

"Mitch?" Scott's uncertain voice sounds through the room.

"Yeah?" I answer a bit irritated. I hate this whole situation. Why do these stupid hunters exist? They are ruining everything.

"Are you okay?" His voice sounds concerned now.

I sigh. "Yeah." It's not like he can do anything about these hunters. And I can't blame him for wanting to protect me. "This whole situation just sucks."

Scott sighs too. "I know." He steps forwards and grabs me in a hug. I rest my head against his chest, enjoying the moment. His fingers slowly trace my spine up and down. Neither of us talks, we just enjoy each other's touch.

There is no way in hell that I'm gonna let him go fight those hunters without me. I know that he will be mad at me, but he's not gonna be out of my sight now. I won't let him. And now that Esther is Lindsey's mate I'm sure she thinks the same as me.

Scott's stomach chooses that moment to grumble. I look up at him, a small smile on my face. He's always hungry.

"It's dinner time." He just shrugs. He takes my hand and we walk downstairs together. We let go of each other in front of the dining room doors. The hunters know where Scott is but they don't know of me and Scott wanted to keep it that way so we are still keeping our relationship a secret.

I walk over to my friends. Kirstie is liplocked with Jeremy as usual. The rest of the couples are very close to each other too. So that just leaves Shane, Todrick and me.

We get potatoes, meat and vegetables for dinner. I don't really like potatoes unless they are fried of course. But I eat them anyway, cause I'm starving. I didn't eat really eat anything today but I didn't notice how hungry I was till now.

"Did you guys see the fire in the woods?" Shane asks. I almost choke on my food. I forgot other people could see the fire too. What if someone saw Scott or Lindsey do weird stuff?

Everyone shakes their head though, so no one saw the fire.

"I'm thinking of a conspiracy theory." Shane says. "They are trying to burn the school down, but because of our unbeatable principal it doesn't work." He says it like it's world's best discovery ever.

"You're losing your mind, Shane." Todrick says, shaking his head. "There was no fire and no conspiracy."

"There was a fire. I can show you guys." Shane says, getting up from his chair. I have to stop this now.

"I don't think that's a good idea Shane. What if it really were bad people and they are still there?" I say, trying to scare them away.

"Let them come." Shane says. This is not going in the right direction.

"It's probably nothing." I say. It will attract attention if people see burned ground so close to the school.

Shane sits down again. I quickly change the subject. "Did you hear that new conspiracy about Kim K?" Luckily, that takes Shane's attention away from the fire and he starts talking about Kim K.

I see Scott stand up from the corner of my eyes. He really ate here in the room this time. But no one noticed him. I quickly say bye to my friends and follow him out of the room.

I see him walk up the stairs, but before I can follow him, I'm grabbed out of no where. A hand comes over my mouth. The person drags me into a classroom. The door is locked before I can even react.

I'm about to scream my lungs out when a familiar voice speaks to me. "Relax it's me, Mitch." Esther says.

"Jesus christ Es." I lay my hand over my heart, feeling the beat go down. "You scared the fuck out of me!"

She laughs. "Yeah, sorry about that. I should have planned this." What is she talking about?

"Did you wanna talk to me? Or did you just scare me for fun?" I ask, annoyed by her.

"No, I wanted to talk to you." She says, her face turning serious. "I don't want Lindsey to leave without me and I think you want the same with Scott." Okay, now we're talking.

"No I don't. I hope you have some sort of plan." Esther is very smart and I'm sure she can come up with something.

"I might have snooped on her laptop. She is planning on leaving tomorrow morning.  She already talked to Scott about it and they are leaving somewhere tomorrow. But they are going to do it in secret without telling us." Esther frowns. He wouldn't even say goodbye? "So I thought we're gonna follow them. I'm just not sure how though." She looks at me, waiting for me to respond.

"I can't believe he would leave me without saying goodbye." I look at Esther, my eyes sad. She looks back at me just as sad. Then I see something I didn't see before. Her neck. She is marked. I almost aww out loud. "She marked you!" I say, happy for her. I heard it's a very magical and pleasurable experience. I can't help but be a bit jealous of her. I wish I had Scott's mark. And that he has mine.

She covers her mark with her hand, her face red. "I know. She is amazing." She says dreamily. I giggle at her, she is so in love.

"But anyway. I agree that we have to follow them. But how? They are faster than me in wolf form and you are human!"

"Shit, I hadn't thought of that. I thought they would just go by car and we follow them. This complicates things." Esther says deep in thought.

Even if Esther was a werewolf we probably won't be able to catch up with them. At least I won't. I don't have any stamina. I don't think they will go by car, they will be noticed too soon. By foot makes more sense.

"Maybe you should snoop some more in Lindsey's laptop and find out the location of the hunters. We can drive there but not all the way there. You can sit on my back for the last couple miles." If Esther can find the location it's sounds like a solid plan right?

"Okay, if this all works out and we're there. What then?" Esther questions.

"We will have to make sure we're there earlier than Lindsey and Scott so we can follow them inside or something."

I know that I can fight, especially in my wolf form against humans, but Esther? What will she do? "Not to be mean Esther but what will you do when someone attacks you?" I ask her.

"I have a gun." She says dead serious.

"How the hell do you have a gun?" I did not expect Esther to be a violent person or have a gun.

"I stole it from Lindsey. I'm not afraid to use it if someone attacks one of us."

"Do you even know how to use it?" I ask her.

"No, but I will figure it out." She says sure of herself. Oh god. I really really hope everything is going to be okay.

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