16- Dinner and Movie

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Scott's POV

I am actually cooking in front of my boyfriend. My boyfriend. My very first boyfriend in 24 years.

I feel happy but also scared. Not for me, but for Mitch. I don't want anything to happen to him. I guess I'll just have to protect him with all my might.

''What are you making?'' Mitch asks. I turn around to look at him. He's typing on his phone, I really hope he won't do that during dinner. I always find it annoying when people do that.

''Pasta Pesto. I hope you like it.'' I love pasta meals and pesto is easy and delicious.

''I love basically every pasta meal, so it's fine. I have italian roots.'' Mitch says.

''Really?'' I ask. ''That's hot.'' I basically have a fiery latina mate.

Mitch smirks. ''I know.'' I love his confidence. On some people it's too close to arrogance but with Mitch, it isn't. It suits him.

Mitch just talks about his life while I cook. He's had quite a normal life before he came here. I learned he has a bad temper sometimes though. To be honest, that makes him even more attractive. I like some fire in a person.

''Here you go.'' I put Mitch's plate on the table in front of him.

''Thank you, it looks delicious.'' I look at him, trying to figure out if he really means it or just says it to be polite. knowing Mitch he probably really likes it.

''So Scott. What do you actually do all day? Like, I never see you in the hallways or anywhere actually.'' Mitch says, his mouth full of pasta. I don't really mind, as long as he keeps the pasta in his mouth.

''I sit in my office taking care of finances, and other things. I basically make sure that the school keeps excisting and I keep the council happy.''

''Sounds boring.'' Mitch says, practically inhaling his pasta. Guess someone is really enjoying their pasta.

I crack a smile. ''It is, sometimes. But it's better than most things. This is my own school and the paperwork kind of proves it, if you get what I mean.'' It's hard to explain. I've always wanted something of my own to take care of, whether it's a pack or in this case a school.

''So it's more of a pride thing?'' Mitch asks.

I think about it for a minute. ''In a way it is. But I like to think of it as some sort of primal need of my wolf and me too to own something, to be the boss of something. I come from beta parents so that is really in my blood.'' I try to explain as well as I can.

''Beta? Wow. My dad was just a regular pack member before he left to live with my mom in the human world. So I'm not sure if I'll ever understand those needs of yours.'' Regular packs usually have around 100-200 wolves. So most of the members are regulars.

We talk the rest of the dinner about some random stuff. apperently Mitch also loves Beyonce. I showed him my painting that I bought of Beyonce. He loves it.

We do the dishes together, while blasting Beyonce. I honestly have a good time. Not that it is possible to not have a good time when I'm with Mitch.

''Do you want to watch a movie tonight? With me?'' I ask him, when we're done with the dishes.

He looks up at me. He's not that tall, I think around 5'9 and really cute. I always wanted a mate shorter than myself, I don't know why. But also not too short. Mitch is exactly the right height. ''Here? Or in the cinemas?''

"Here, I don't feel like going out right now.'' I never feel like going out. I've been to a bar like three times. All three times were disasters. I drank way too much every time and that led to meaningless make out sessions. The last time it even got as far as sex. I lost my virginity drunk in a bar's bathroom. I hate bars and clubs now.

Mitch pouts at me. ''Why? Going out is fun!'' He steps closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. ''Don't you wanna dance with me?''

''I've had some bad experiences with going out. Maybe we can go to a calmer club and dance there? Just not tonight, okay?'' I peck his lips. I hope he understands.

''Okay. But I'm holding you onto that promise. I'm going to dance with you someday.'' He pouts again. ''I love going out.'' I can basically see Mitch dancing in my head. His little body so sexy. Snap out of it Scott.

''Did you do it much?'' I try to keep my voice casual but I'm dying to know. What if he went like three times a week and then kisses 13 boys on one night? he's gorgeous, but he's mine.

Mitch looks down, biting his lip. ''Uhm, well. Define much?'' He looks up at me, grinning sheepily. I guess I have my answer. He's not some sort of manwhore, is he? No, he can't. He's so cute and innocent.

''Are you a virgin, Mitch?'' I think I have a right to know as his mate right?

Mitch starts giggling. ''Yes.'' He bites his lip again. My mind immediately start to wonder what else he can do with that mouth. Chill yourself, Scott. ''Saved myself for you.'' Mitch says seductively. This is not helping Mitch. I feel my jeans tighten with the images in my head. God damn it. ''What about you?''

I look down slightly embarrassed. It's frowned upon giving your virginity to anyone other than your mate. But normally people find their mate between ages of 18 and 21 so it's not that weird I'm no virgin anymore at age 24. ''I'm not. But I was drunk and it was in the bathroom of a club. I barely remember it. It's practically gonna be the first time for me too.'' I wish I could undo that night but I can't.

''It's okay. I'm sure I'm way better than the other man anyway.'' Mitch says completely serious. I don't doubt that. ''Now let's watch a movie.'' He grabs my hand, pulling me to the couch.

We decide on watching the proposal. Mitch had already seen it and said it was funny so we curl up on the sofa together.

Halfway through the movie I lay down on the couch with Mitch basically on top of me. He looks up at me sleepily, I can see that he's about to fall asleep. I'm not far behind him. Today was a tiring, but amazing day. And now I get to sleep with my boy in my arms. The perfect day.

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