28- Weird Behavior

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Mitch's POV 

We walk out of the cave together, all the hunters dead except one we kept for questioning. He actually begged us to keep him alive so we sort of keep him hostage now.

The weird is that Scott hasn't said a word to me. I've been trying to talk to him, but he totally ignores me. I don't want to make a scene with everybody around, but when we're alone I'm gonna ask what the hell he thinks he is doing. Ignoring me? That is just not done.

So I leave Scott the rest of the way alone and talk to Esther and Lindsey a little. They are both a bit shaken up but that is completely understandable after the past events.

Finally we arrive in the woods behind the school. We all stop when Scott stops, he has been leading the group. ''Talk. Now.'' He says to our hostage/prisoner. I don't know if they are going to torture him, but I do know that I will be out of here if they do. I can not stand people in pain, not even bad people.

''Anything you need to know, just spare my life!'' He begs, getting on his knees. I kind of feel sorry for him, he probably didn't even know what he was getting into.

''If you tell us exactly what I want to know, I might consider keeping you alive.'' I really hope Scott means 'we'll keep you alive when you tell us'. They guy was just a guard, he didn't kill anyone. I heard that some teachers were hit by bullets but no one died. Thank god for werewolf healing.

Scott turns to the group then. ''Everyone go get the injured to the hospital, I'll handle him.'' Scott says coldly. What is his problem?

''I'm not going anywhere.'' Did he really think I would just leave like this. My wolf wants to follow his orders but I push him to the back of my mind.

He comes to stand directly in front of me, looking in my eyes. ''Shift.'' He puts as much power as he can behind the words. My wolf pushes forwards, he can't not obey the orders from a wolf that much higher than him. I'm fully shifted before I can even blink. ''Good boy.'' He pets my fur. I hate how my wolf loves the feeling of his hands on him. I'm mad at him. ''Now go follow the others.'' I don't have enough control over my wolf to refuse. He wants to make his mate happy and he has to obey the orders of a high placed wolf.

My paws hit the ground as I run to catch up with the others. I have to get control again, but it is so hard. My wolf is so strong now that he has a goal.

When we arrive at the school's hospital, I can finally find the strength to change back. It's too late to go back to Scott though, and besides that, I'm mad at him. First he ignores me for whatever reason and then he forces me to leave him. I need to get control over my wolf so he can't do that anymore. I just don't know how.

I walk away to my room. Kirstie immediately grabs me in a hug. ''I missed you too.'' I say, hugging her back.

''I'm so glad you're back!'' I look at her weirdly, didn't she just think I was sick or something? ''Mister Olusola told me everything.'' That explains it. I don't mind though, at keast I don't have to tell her now.

''Yeah, I'm fine.'' I try to give her my most convincing smile. Physically I'm fine, I just really hate what happened with Scott afterwards.

She doesn't buy it though. ''Honey, what's wrong? You know you can tell me.'' She sits down on her bed, patting the spot next to her. I tell her everything that has happened today, from the hunters to Scott being all weird and mean.

''Maybe he just wanted you to stay away and not intervene. He may have felt like it was his battle to fight.'' Kirstie says.

''He would be dead, if we didn't get help! He wouldn't be here, without me and Esther!'' I know it's not Kirstie who I am trying to convince though. It is Scott.

Kirstie just smiles at me without saying anything. I think about her words. I did promise countless times that I would stay away if he would get into a fight. Would he really be mad about that? I just don't want him to die!

Hours pass without him coming to my room and I'm getting impatient. I need answers! And maybe attention too.

I guess if he won't come to me, I'll come to him. I step out of the room to his appartment. Would he even be in here? What if he is in his office? I guess there's only one way to find that out. I knock on his door, hoping he will open it. He can probably smell me, but he won't just not open the door right?

Luckily, about 15 seconds later he opens the door. ''Mitch this is really not the time.'' He looks tired and I realize that it is almost midnight. Well, too bad for him. He should have talked to me sooner.

''It is and we're gonna talk.'' I walk past him in the apartment.

He sighs, but follows me to the living room. I sit down on the couch and he sits down on one of the chairs. He can't even sit on the couch next to me?

I wait for him to come with an explanation, but nothing comes. Of course it's me who cracks. ''Oh my god, just tell me what's wrong!'' I can't stand this awkwardness that is surrounding us. ''Why did you ignore me and then force me to do things!''

Scott's head snaps up. ''Don't make it sound so bad! I just didn't want you there, when I questioned the guy.''

''You know exactly that that is not all! You are mad at me for some reason.'' I hate arguing but we can't keep on ignoring each other.

''Okay yes, I'm mad. You made a promise Mitch. You would stay away from the hunters. You promised me more than once too! How can I trust you if you break your promises?!'' Is this guy serious.

''I saved your life! You wouldn't have won without me!'' I reply, my voice raising cause I'm getting angrier.

''You could've warned others! You didn't have to come.''

I don't know how to reply to that. I know I didn't but he's my mate and I don't want to be without him. ''But you're my boyfriend and mate.'' I say, my voice a lot softer. I see his eyes soften too. ''I want to make sure you're safe just like you want that with me. I can't just let you run off without even saying goodbye.'' I step closer to him, I don't want to argue anymore.

He gets up and pulls me in a hug. ''I'm just glad it's over and that you're safe.'' He whispers in my ear. I missed being in his arms, even though it's only been one day. Today was so intense.

''I'm glad you're safe. You're finally safe, there are no hunters anymore. You don't have to do all your cool water tricks in secret anymore!'' I say, looking up at him with a smile on my face. ''And our relationship doesn't have to be a secret anymore.'' I sigh in contentment. We're safe.

This would be a good end.

But no I won't leave it like this, they didn't even have sex yet.
This will end soon though.

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