Chapter One

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ONE thing that Kassandra learned in life was to never trust her brother in cooking. Seeing the six-foot tall guy attempt to flip the egg on the pan infront of her triggered something inside her, but she just let him do his thing as she fixed her long dark hair up in a bun.

"We should've just ordered something outside, brother," she commented, not even disguising her lack of excitement for the breakfast.

"Don't even try to comment Kace 'cause you're far worse than I am." Her older brother, Kristoff would always insist to cook, and yet he never made a decent meal ever.

Kace nodded in agreement. "Yeah, well you're not wrong about that. Let's just grab something to eat while on the way to school, then."

Kris heaved a sigh. "Fine."

Even though Kris wasn't her full-blooded brother, she appreciated the fact that he would always visit her, despite knowing how much hatred their stepdad had for her. She didn't want Kris to be stuck in the middle between her and his dad. But, her brother never listened and continued to pick her up and drive her to school every single day.

After their real mother died three years ago due to a heart attack, Kassandra's only close relative was her brother. Her  read dad passed away when she was still a kid, and since then, she had been living alone in an apartment, which their stepdad generously offered.

As they reached outside the building, a black shiny Ferrari came into view. Kace stopped walking and admired the new car of her brother.

When Kris noticed this, he turned to his sister. "What's the matter?"

"I just..." Her voice trailed off, not knowing what to say exactly. She walked towards the car and stared at it for a minute. "Your dad's really something."

"I didn't even ask for this." Kris was not really the type of person to ask for material things, even though his dad was really well-off. But since he was the only son, everything was being given to him.

Kris opened the car door for her. "Now if you may...?"

Nodding, she stopped admiring the car and stepped in as she let her mind wander on the start of a new school year.

When they finally reached outside the school grounds, Kace signalled Kris to stop the car.

The guy gave her a disapproving look before slowly pulling it to a stop. He managed to stop her by the arm and spoke, "Kace, I don't understand why you still have to do this."

"Here we go again..." She mumbled, knowing exactly where the conversation was heading. "Brother, how many times do we have to argue about this? If everyone in school finds out that I'm your sister, you're screwed with your dad."

"I don't care, Kace..." He paused, his thick brows furrowed in disbelief. "...and you should know that by now."

"Maybe you don't. But I do. I don't want your dad to hate you because of me." Opening the car door, she quickly stepped out and waved at her brother. "Bye. Thanks for the ride."

Kris sighed in defeat. He just couldn't win any argument with her. Peaking out the window, he yelled, "See you around!"

She smiled, hearing her brother. "Will do."

The entrance of the campus boasted a huge wall, barricading the buildings inside. Students flocked at the park, probably catching up with each other, but she had no time for that. Her first class would start at 8 am. If she was lucky, she would still be able to catch up and avoid getting late on the first day of her junior year.

She looked at her watch. It was already 7:45. Accelerating her pace, she jogged past the open field and almost tripped as she ascended the flight of stairs, leading towards the entrance of their building.

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