Chapter Nine

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"ALWAYS smile... 'cause you're making one person happy... ME!" Nix shrieked after reading the note aloud. "We really need to find now whoever wrote this Kace."

"But I thought you said you were positive that it came from Stephen?" Brandon teased her again.

"Y-yeah. But we still need a confirmation. Maybe we should just post it on the board like those in Lost and Found items?" Nix suggested.

Kace was again in a state of daze. She remembered she had a deal with Nix before, that when the time came that this guy showed up, she'd admit to him that she likes him. As stupid as it may seemed, she developed a strange fondness on whoever was sending her the notes even though she still didn't know who it was. But at the same time, she was scared 'cause if it really was Stephen... she wouldn't want to risk her friendship with Nix knowing that her bestfriend likes the guy.

"Kace...?" She heard Luke ask beside her.

She nodded. "Uh... I think we should work now."

"Yeah I think we should start now." Jessie spoke beside Nix.

Just then, someone knocked on the half-opened door. They watched as Luke's brother walked in with two bags on his hands. "I'm sorry i'm late." Lance said.

"Oh it's okay. We haven't started yet." Nix answered him with a smile. Then, the others noticed the bags he brought. "What's that?"

"Oh these... I just thought we'd need paints and other stuffs. I heard from Alex that the office is a bit..." He paused trying to survey the room. "Filthy."

"Thank heavens! You brought paint." Nix commented as she helped Lance with the bags.

"Okay, shall we start cleaning?" Max asked them, handing each one a cleaning material.

AFTER hours of cleaning and practically moving everything out of the office, they started to use the paint which Lance bought. They were all painting in a uniform manner when suddenly, Lance thought of making a graffiti-like image on the wall. Nix noticed this first and when she did, she quickly retorted, "Woah! Amazing!" This made the others all looked towards the direction she was looking at.

Lance stopped painting and turned to them. "Oh sorry. I just wanted to see if it will look alright. But if you don't like it, I can always re-paint."

"Oh no no. I was just admiring your work. It looks amazing." Nix said as her eyes were still fixed on the wall.

"Why don't we just paint the walls like that then?" Chester asked them.

"Yeah. I think it's alright." Kace answered.

"You can do one like that as well Chester, right?" Brandon asked.

Chester nodded. "Let's not forget our graphic artist here as well." He tapped Kenneth's shoulder. The latter just shrugged.

Kace smiled seeing how the members were enjoying each other's company even if they had to do all this cleaning up. She felt sorry for all of them. But she's thankful at the same time because they were so supportive and cooperative. She turned on her side and saw Luke painting the wall silently. She moved towards him and saw that he was writing something on the wall. "Luke, what's that?"

The guy got startled when she asked him. He stopped writing and faced her. "Oh... I was just... writing something."

"Which is?"

He covered that part of the wall with his hands. "It's nothing."

"Come on. Show it." She grabbed his arm and tried to pull it away from the wall. When she finally did, she tried to read it but she couldn't understand a thing. It was in Chinese characters. "What does this mean?" She had to ask, 'cause even though she was half-Chinese (their mom's a pure-blooded Chinese, while her dad's a Korean), she didn't know how to speak and write it.

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