Chapter Twenty Two

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KACE has been trying to control herself the entire time she was inside Chandler's car. She still couldn't understand why he suddenly showed up and dragged her away from Luke. Even if it was for Sophie's sake, it was still not valid enough for him to just do that.

She glanced at the guy who has been focused on the road since they got in. His right hand was steering the wheel while the other was clenched in a fist. Why was he suddenly mad? She heaved a sigh and finally decided to speak. "Stop the car!"

But the guy didn't comply. He continued to drive like he didn't hear anything.

"Stop the car, Park!" She yelled at him this time.

But still, he didn't listen. Instead, he accelerated the car overtaking the other cars infront of them.

She got irritated so she gripped his hand furiously. "Chandler! Are you really trying to get us killed?" she asked him at the top of her voice. "I'll jump out of the car if you still won't stop."

He got alarmed at her sudden warning, so he finally jeered the wheel at the side of the road.

She let out an exasperating sigh as the car screeched to a stop. "What is really your problem? Have you gone mental?"

He was breathing hard when he decided to face her on his side. "What is my problem?" He asked her, his brows meeting at the center. Then, at an instant, he nodded and continued to speak, "Yeah. Maybe you're right. I've already gone insane already, Kace."

"What are you talking about, Chandler?" She asked frantically, as she unbuckled her seatbelt and prepared to leave the car.

But then, before she could even open the door, she was stopped by Chandler's hand. She turned to him in confusion. "Can't you see it Kace?" He suddenly asked her, making her even more confused.

"See what???" She rolled her eyes at him.

"I've always been here, and yet, you still couldn't see it." He shook his head incredulously.

She was really getting impatient already with all his puzzling statements. "What is it Park? Just tell me. I'm not a mind-reader so I can...." She got cut off when he spoke again.

"Are you really that dense?" he paused, dropping his gaze from her. "I am the one sending you the notes in your office, Kace. That's the only way I can think of... to tell you how much I love you."

The moment he uttered those words, she felt her whole system becoming numb by the minute. Did she just really hear him say that? Or was she just imagining things? This isn't definitely what she had imagined meeting the mysterious guy behind those notes she has been keeping. She never expected that it was him all along. How could he just act so normal infront of her? Never did it crossed her mind that it was him.

"I couldn't say it to you Kace... because I was scared you might not accept me, so I chose to be a jerk infront of you," he continued to speak, his eyes now staring into hers.

She wanted to say something but no words came out of her mouth. She felt like she was in a dream... a bad dream. This isn't happening. She tried to convince herself.

"Kace..." He slowly reached for her hand and held it up towards his chest. Her hand was now in contact with his and she could feel his heartbeat running, probably just as fast as hers... or maybe even faster right at that moment.

She was gradually getting drowned into his luring eyes but she quickly gained control so she took her hand off of him. "This is all a sick joke, right? Please stop saying those things now cause it's not funny at all."

But he didn't say anything. "Kace, this is NOT a joke. Everything that I said to you... I've always wanted to say them ever since."

"No! You're kidding! This isn't happening." She felt her hands trembling and her sweat kept on dripping from her forehead.

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