Chapter Eleven

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CHANDLER was confused when he saw Sophie suddenly walking out of the scene. He was about to call out to her but then, he noticed Luke already waking up. "Chandler?" The guy asked him, rubbing his eyes.

"What happened here?" He asked back. "Why are you both here?"

"Someone locked us up."

"What???" He exclaimed. "Who?"

Luke shrugged. "We don't know." Then, he noticed him turning to his side while looking at Kace who was still sleeping with her head on his shoulder.

He sighed to himself. If Kris finds out about this, he's sure that he'll get mad. "I'll take her home now then."

The other guy didn't respond. Instead, he turned to him with a questioning look. "You know where she lives?"

That's when he realized that he wasn't supposed to take her home. Luke would know that they knew each other. But then, if he wouldn't, Kris would seriously beat him up. "Then... do you know where she lives?"

Luke nodded. Of course, he knew where she lives after walking her home. And though he really didn't know her exact house, he knew which neighbourhood he'd take her to.

He wasn't expecting his answer. How would he even know? He let out a sigh. "Do you have a car?"


"Alright. Take her to her apartment."

Before he could leave, he heard his name being called again. He turned around anticipating what the other guy was about to say. "I don't know how you found us but... thank you, really."

He didn't answer. He just nodded and proceeded back to his car. When he reached inside, he noticed Sophie fidgeting her fingers anxiously. "Sophie, why did you suddenly walk away?" He asked her.

"I-it's nothing." She answered in a trembling tone.

But he wasn't satisfied with her answer. "Did something happen? Did you see a ghost?" He tried to ask her again. But the girl just shook her head.

"L-let's just go back now. A-are we gonna... wait for them?" Sophie asked, still stuttering.

He sighed. "No. I'll take you home now then."


MONDAY morning came. Everyone was busy chatting about the upcoming acquaintance party on Friday. When Kace entered the room, she quickly saw Luke already on his seat. She suddenly felt embarrassed after what happened to them in the office. Apparently, no one knew they were locked up except for Chandler who saved them from that misfortune.

She sat quietly on her seat without greeting her friends. Suddenly, she got startled when someone spoke behind her. "Chief, what's our plan for the party?"

She turned around and saw Chester approaching. "I don't know. I still have to ask JM about our committees."

Chester nodded. "Okay. But we all have to go right? I mean, we're not just part of the preparations and stuff."

She didn't answer. She didn't really want to go. She never goes to school dances or any events for that matter but due to her job as a journalist, she has no choice but to go.

"We're all required to go. Who's not coming? I'll report it to our adviser." Nix butted in from behind them.

"Hey Nix, can't you lower your voice?" Brandon appeared from the side.

"Whatever. Anyway, we should buy our outfits now. I don't wanna cram." Nix hissed.

"But don't we have a theme for the party?" Chester asked them.

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