Chapter Two

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NIX elbowed Kace who was busy finishing her steak. The latter looked at her irritated. "Nix, what do you want?"

"Look. That new kid, Luke is staring at their table." Nix lifted her chin up towards the direction of the table of the popular guys.

"Not again Nix." Kace shook her head without even bothering what she said.

"Can we just eat silently?" Max suggested without looking at the both of them.

"Yeah Nix. Why don't you just go to his table if you want to talk to him so badly?" Brandon commented.

Nix shot him a death glare. "Well, maybe I should. I'll ask why he was looking at my bestfriend."

"Okay. Do it. If you can't, you have to treat me tomorrow." Brandon challenged her with a grin on his face.

Nix stood up. Kace quickly got hold of her hand and held it tight stopping her from moving. "Nix, what are you doing? Are you insane?"

"Kace, I'll just welcome him here in our school. Relax." Nix assured her with a smile.

Kace sighed and let go of her hand. They all watched as Nix made her way towards the new kid. Kace covered her eyes not wanting to look at her bestfriend's attempt to talk to that guy. Then, she heard the guys chuckle. "Ah! I knew she couldn't do it," Brandon said.

Chester tried to remove her hands from her face. "You can look now Chief. It was a failure."

She slowly dropped her hands and saw Nix heading to the washroom. She thought Nix was gonna talk to him already. She stood up from her seat. The guys looked at her with confusion.

"Kace, where are you going?" Ken asked.

"Are you gonna talk to the new kid?" Max asked this time.

"No. I'll just go get a soda guys," she answered.

"Oh! I'll have one," Chester ordered.

"Me too," Max said next.

"Me three," Ken added.

"Me-" Brandon got cut off when Kace answered. "I'll just go get one for each of us."

"Thanks Chief," they chorused.

Kace walked over towards the vending machine and pressed the button of 'soda'. She bent down as the sodas came down from the machine. She held the 5 bottles and carried them infront of her chest.

As she turned around, she accidentally bumped into someone who was holding a tray causing the food to spill. She dropped her sodas and looked at the person she just bumped into. Why was I having a bad day today?

She sighed and brought out her handkerchief to wipe the stain on her victim's clothes. But when she was about to reach her, the girl infront of her threw the hanky away. "You think you can just wipe my face with that?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" she got cut off when the girl butted in.

"Didn't mean to? You just spilled food on me. Your sorry isn't enough." The girl raised her tone causing everyone to look at them.

Kace, on the other hand just stood there feet frozen on the ground. She never met someone who is as wicked as the person she's facing right now. All eyes were on them now. If only I could just disappear...

Just then, they heard someone spoke which echoed in the whole cafeteria. "Jules! That's enough!" It was an authoritative tone.

Kace looked up and saw their student body president, Jhun Michael coming their way. Stephen was also walking beside him.

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