Chapter Eight

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KACE was feeling worried about Chandler after what they just saw on the street earlier. She knew that Jules was not the nicest person but she never imagined that the girl would be cheating on Chandler Andrew Park, the most popular guy in school. She has always thought that the two would end up getting married one day since they've been liking each other since middle school. But she thought wrong.

She watched him as he gripped the steering wheel tight on his hands. She had a hard time stopping Chandler from going up to them and hitting the guy who happens to be his friend, Alex. But she got relieved when he was able to control himself. Or else she'd end up getting beaten by both of them.

"You think they're really a..." She tried to speak just to break the stillness inside the car. "I mean... maybe they're just hanging out."

"I don't know." He answered in monotone.

"What if they just met on the street and decided to just eat together?" She tried to convince him again just to ease him a bit.

Chandler suddenly jeered the wheel to the side and screeched to a stop. He wanted to burst out at that time so when he turned to Kace, he was clenching his fists in anger. "Step out!"

She didn't move at an instant. Normally she would yell back at him but she knew that it's not the best thing to do right now. She moved without saying a thing and stepped out of the car. Before he could leave, she managed to say, "Don't kill yourself."

She sighed as she walked on the pavement. People were starting to flock again since it's getting late. She looked at the time and thought that her brother was probably on her apartment this time. She'd have to endure his scolding again.

She walked past the convenience store and thought of stopping by. But then, it hit her that she needed to go back at her apartment already. She turned to the curve path leading to her apartment when suddenly, she felt that someone was following her tracks. She stopped walking and turned behind her. No one was there. That's strange.

She continued to walk again but this time, she tried to listen closely to the footsteps behind her. It was getting closer. She didn't dare look behind instead, she walked faster until someone finally grabbed her arm. She was caught.

She swung her other arm to hit the culprit on his neck and she didn't hesitate to kick the person on his shin until she was finally released. She was about to run away but then, when she turned around, she saw a completely innocent person. "L-Luke?"

He was still grumbling in pain as he stood up and faced her. "I... didn't know you're capable of killing a person."

She suddenly regretted that she learned a bit of Taekwondo now that she hit him. "I'm so sorry Luke. I didn't know it was you."

The guy scratched the back of his head. "You don't have to say sorry. I should've just called out your name."

She smiled. "Uh... why are you here?" She paused when she saw what he was holding. "Wait... that's..."

He lifted the cage he was holding and revealed the rabbit from the pet shop. "It's for our project."

"Y-you... bought it? But... how..." She was confused. How did he know that she wanted the rabbit?

"I just thought... you'd want a rabbit." He handed her the cage. "Here."

"Uh... no I can't take it. You bought it."

"No it's for you." He insisted. "I mean, I want you to take care of it."

She sighed. "Okay. How about we let it stay in your house for a week? Then I'll have it the next week and so on..."

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