Chapter Six

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KACE walked her way towards her apartment after hours of making the flyers. She decided to stop by at a convenience store nearby. She sat by the window and ate her noodles quietly while still in deep thought. Where in the world can I find students to complete the editorial board? She banged her head on the table trying to rack her brain for some answers.

Meanwhile, Luke has been following Kace on her way home after Nix gave him her address. He thought it was stupid to follow someone but he needed to talk to her about Chemistry. When she entered the convenience store, he secretly hid on one of the aisles inside and watched her eat. He guessed that would be the right time to go up to her but he just couldn't find the courage to move.

Suddenly, his phone rang. "Lance?" He answered.

"Luke, where are you?" His brother asked.

He scanned the store. "Uh... just somewhere near our house."

"Really? Are you sure?"

Luke noticed Kace standing up already so he quickly said, "Ah... just wait inside the house. I have to hang up. Bye." He followed Kace outside the store and when he was about to walk any further, a hand grabbed him. "Luke!"

He turned around and saw his brother. "L-Lance?"

"Luke, what are you doing following someone around?" He interrogated him.

"And what are you doing following ME around?" He asked his brother back.

"I was walking when I saw you coming here so I followed you and then I noticed you're following a girl." He emphasized the last word. "Why?"

He sighed. "It's for our Chemistry."

"Okay. Then why are you secretly following her?"

"Because I don't know how to ask her."

Lance raised a brow in question. "I don't understand you at all."

"Let's just... go home." Luke grabbed him by the arm.

"Aren't you gonna talk to her?"

"No. Not when you're here." He grabbed his brother and dragged him away. But then, Lance managed to free himself from him. "Alright. I'll go home now. Just make sure to come home early tonight."

Luke just nodded. After his brother left, he followed Kace's trail and soon enough, he saw her walking inside a bookstore this time. He walked his way in and watched Kace as she searched for books in the aisle. Why am I even doing this? He thought to himself and sighed.

When he looked at her again, she wasn't there anymore. He searched for her on the other aisles but to no avail. He was about to give up and just forget about asking her... not until he bumped into someone behind him. "Oh... sorry." He bowed his head.


KACE was surprised to see Luke inside the bookstore. She thought she was just imagining it when she saw him inside the convenience store. Now he was there in the bookstore again and she even bumped into him. Was he following me? But, she didn't want to ask him that. Instead, she blurted out, "Luke, you're here."

The guy just smiled. His smile was so endearing that she bet all the girls would die to see it. The new student has only been in their school for how many days and yet, he already gained a lot of popularity. 

Kace knew this cause everytime Luke enters the cafeteria, the girls would stare at him like he was a God. She thought he could even make it into the group of Popular Guys. But that wouldn't happen knowing how egocentric Chandler was. He wouldn't want someone else to steal his limelight.

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