My Devotionals Source

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Hey everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day! (Even if it's just starting, about to end, or somewhere in between.)

Since I am going to share with you all my Spiritual Journey, it only seems logical for me to also share with you my daily devotions, what I learned from it, and my personal applications.

All of my daily devotions come from YouVersion The Bible App. (I am not advertising. I just need to state my source. And I don't think it needs any more advertising. According to Google Play, it has 50 million downloads. That is not including iOS, windows phone, or those accessing it through web browsers.)

I love this app so much for numerous reasons: 1) Different versions of the bible available; 2) Different languages and dialects available (I get to practice Spanish while reading the Word); 3) It takes personalization to a whole new level; 4) You ...

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I love this app so much for numerous reasons: 1) Different versions of the bible available; 2) Different languages and dialects available (I get to practice Spanish while reading the Word); 3) It takes personalization to a whole new level; 4) You can go social with it, as in actually have friends and see their progress, and your activities can also be available for your friends to see; 5) Bibles available for offline reading; 6) It reminds me that I have to do my devotions when I am feeling like such a lazy bone; 7) Wide variety of devotions to choose from; 8) No advertisements in the app; 9) I can make my own picture verses, highlight, and bookmark and add notes; and 10) It's absolutely FREE!!!

And I love free stuff!

The devotions that I do that I will be posting here are not the full version, just the summarized one. So if you want to see the whole of it, I suggest you download your own app or visit the website ( and make you own account. If you already have, well high five to you! If you are already done with the devotions that I am posting here, oops! Sorry about that. But you can go through it again with me. :)

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you where I will be getting most of what I post here. But it won't be all devotions that I'll be sharing. I will also share some music, quotes, movies, videos, and stories that I find inspiring, heart-warming, and helpful for my faith. I hope you guys are looking forward to this as much as I am.

Continue reading on and I will share with you my first devotions, The Poverbial Girl: Wisdom, Values, and Being Fabulous

See ya!


Author's Note: It's been years since I wrote this, and a few things have changed: I no longer get my devotions from the Bible App alone. My devotions routine have drastically changed, and I don't think it could be called a routine still. I will write about what I learned and realized about devotions since in the recent years. One day. In the future. For sure. 

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