Proverbial Girl (DAY 3)

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Day 3

The Proverbial Girl is filled with funny, inspirational and challenging storied that are designed to teach young ladies how to walk like a Proverbial Girl NOW! This is done using the wisdom given through Proverbs 31. Author Lisa McClendon-Brailsford is your big sister for the next 7 days. You are not alone. Someone is praying for you and cheering you on as you read this book. For full length edition, please visit

Synopsis From: YouVersion The Bible App

Before reading any further, please read the devotional at:!

For possible copyright infringement, I have decided to not include the actual devotional content. Let's all be supportive readers to Author Lisa McClendon-Brailsford, read the devotions on the legal platform, and come back here to join the fun and discussion.



See ya!

For the full devotions, visit:


Oh my goodness

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Oh my goodness. Why does it feel that every single day these devotions are written for me they just hit deep on a personal level? Anybody with me on this one?

I have learned so much about relationships over the past few years, and I probably could write (and kind of want to) at least a dozen different posts about them (and maybe I will). But for today, I am pulling on the reins of my words-spouting and will focus solely on the topic of devotions.

I have realized that being in any relationship—whether with parents, siblings, relatives, friends, peers, classmates, teachers, or even your everyday neighborhood café barista—requires conscious effort.

I find that for now, my relationship with my family requires the most work and effort. As loving as my mom is, we are such different people that it results in quite some intense moments and misunderstandings. And as much as I love my siblings, they could also just be soooo annoying (usually on purpose) and I just want to smack them. It's in these moments of strain when I have to remind myself that it's the little actions, the little moments that count, that add up, and make the most impact. I have to remind myself of how much I love them, and that some things are better being let go of.

When it comes to friendships, I have learned how to be a lot more intentional and selective. Those I consider my friends are only those who I know that despite our differences and different lives, we would always have the other person to turn to. I trust my friends. I have chosen them to be my friends. So investing in these relationships is very easy for me. The necessity for me is to always be conscious of our differences as people, and how that manifests in our interactions. I also need to constantly choose to believe in their best intentions, especially in the moments when my doubts come into play.

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