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  I cannot believe it! It's only days until 2016 ends. This year has been a total blur for me. I feel that somehow, every single day is the same as previous one.

I learned quite a few things this year, about myself, about my dreams and aspirations, about my strengths and weaknesses, about reality, about the world, about human nature, about living, about faith. It might sound like a lot of things, but it's true. I look at myself right now, and look at my past self, and I think What an idiot I was. I can't believe that I was that stupid. Who else it with me on this?

As this year ends, I have made a decision, and this affects I'm A God Girl directly. I have decided that I am no longer going to post anything here.

Would you like an explanation? Yes please.

During the process of writing I'm A God Girl, I have been doing a lot of pushing and pulling with myself. I don't want that anymore. I feel because of that very reason, I just need to not not write here to be able be more clear within myself. Honestly, there were times when my forehead was so crunched up and I didn't even realize. I want a different expression on my face when I am writing something I want to share with to the world. I'm not saying that all was bad, but I just want things to be fresh. What I'm really trying to say is that I'm A God Girl has been a step in my life. Now it's time to take another one going up.

This is also my 35th post so I think the string is long enough and it's time to cut it.

I am however, still fully aware of how much I'm A God Girl has been able to help you and inspire you, and that means so much to me. For that reason, I am not going to delete this. I still think that despite my confused mind while this was coming together, God can still use I'm A God Girl in His own way.

But I'm not just going to give you all a bad news. Just because I am no longer going to post in I'm A God Girl doesn't mean that I am not going to stop writing. I love writing and sharing my words and I love you guys too much to do that.

The next step for me is continuing my writing in Well Done. A new years give me a new start.

I suppose Well Done is the new I'm A God Girl, but there are still some differences. I am going to take a different approach in my writing. I am going to give myself a more realistic goal for my posts. I am also going to shift Well Done because now, my goal audience is not just the ladies, but the gentlemen as well. In other words, all is well. Why aim for only a portion of the population when you can hit all? 

So, in summary of this all:*I am no longer going to post anything here in I'm A God Girl

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So, in summary of this all:
*I am no longer going to post anything here in I'm A God Girl.
*I am NOT going to delete I'm A God Girl.
*I am going to continue sharing my writing in Well Done.
*Well Done is written in the hopes to improve myself to be able to share with you all better writing, and also to gain male readers.

Link for Well Done is right here:

You can head over there. Mu first post is going to be about something along the lines of ditching New Years Resolutions and sticking to One Word. What a great way to start next year, right? *secretive smile*

Now I have five requests for all of you. They are not too much I hope. *bats eyelashes*
*First, please no one freak out because I will no long be posting here. (Although this is a bit late.) All is good.
*Second, please show your support to Faith Asks... I wrote a post about that here. Please don't just read the questions. I would really appreciate it if you would also share your your answers, thoughts and opinions because I would really appreciate it. I want Faith Asks for to be more interactive between me and you, and you and the other readers.
*Third, please share I'm A God Girl, Faith Asks... and Well done to everyone you can share them to, but only if you think that they are worth sharing.
*Fourth, please enjoy the rest of the year and end it with faces hurting from smiling, chests hurting from laughter, and hearts overflowing with love.
*Fifth, please don't forget to thank God and everyone around you for the year you just had. It may not be the best one, like mine, but you still have the possibility of many more years. My advice: YOU MAKE THE NEXT YEAR YOUR BEST YEAR.

Spread the positivity and the Love of God!
-Amethyst Rose

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