Not A Post... Just, Something

334 30 11

Hello there everybody!

For the past few years, my focus (though I did not realize it then) needed to be on myself, my family, and most importantly my relationship with God.

Just tonight, I decided to install the wattpad app and check the notifications, and I am surprised that this has been somewhat active (I see votes, comments, and reads) even if I mostly forgot about it.

I have tried to respond to them all, but going through all my useless notifications is a tough work, so I'm wouldn't have gotten through them all. Also, my notifications won't load to before August 2019, sooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


When I first wrote I'm a God Girl, I was a young teenager, wondering what her purpose in this world is, trying to make an impact without knowing how to, stumbling on the path of her relationship with God. I thought that I knew so much already, but I see now that I still had so much to learn, to grow, and I was still so naive, compared to my naivety now.

And oh my goodness, browsing through what I posted, I cringe so much and laugh in disbelief. Not because I think it's bad, but I feel that it's another girl talking, another girl with so much to learn still. My picture quotes are terrible, and I probably broke some copyright laws.

And I have no idea whatsoever what I'm trying to say here. I'm just letting my mind take over...

Anyway... I won't be deleting this book, no matter how cringy it is for me. It seems like it's still helping people. And who am I to take that away from the world? But I will definitely be editing it. Gosh that's a lot of work.

Also, I now have plans with wattpad. I won't disclose them yet to avoid getting anyone's hopes up, but definitely keep an eye out for it.

That's all.

Bye for now, to you, dear reader.
Even though I have no idea why you would even be reading this.
And if you're confused with what on earth you just read, I am even more confused with what I just wrote.

Goodness. I need some ice cream.

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