Chapter 1 First Day of Hell

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Yes. I would rather live.

Y/n's POV

I woke up at five in the morning. I hate doing it but it's the only way to avoid my so called parents. I get dressed in my uniform and wear black tights to hide all my scratches and bruises. The uniform already has long sleeves so I'm good. Wonder where my injuries are from? The scratches are from my mei'fwa mother and the bruises are from my werewolf father. That makes me a girl with wolf ears and cat tail. I always hide them to keep me from being picked on but it happens anyway. Now it could be another reason to be picked on. I head downstairs with everything I need. I don't have breakfast because my parents never make me food so I have to buy it or starve and it doesn't help being who I am. I head towards the kitchen to make sure everything is ready for when they wake up so I won't get a beating when I'm back. I go back to my room and jump out my window. Yeah, they didn't give me a key to the house and they want the door locked at all times so this is the only solution. I walk down the sidewalk all the way to McDonald's which is on my way to school. I should be taking the bus to school but my parents don't wanna pay for it. I live about a mile and a half away from the school but I'm used to walking that far since I've already done it for two years. They employees at McDonald's know me pretty well but don't know about my personal life. I help them a lot so I tend to get a free meal every now and then.

"Hey Y/n! The usual egg Mc'muffin and orange juice." Jordan said.(if u get what I mean ur awesome)

"You know me so well." I say.

"Ready to start your junior year today?" He asked as the other employees started making my food.

"The sooner it's over with, the better." I say. He chuckled a bit.

"Come on. Don't give me the cold shoulder. I'm your favorite out of everyone here." He's right about that. He's the one I talk to the most and the one I help the most. He just has some of the craziest yet sometimes funny problems.

"Come on. I'm 17 and don't have what most people do. Some of it could be useful so I can just drive here instead of walk every morning. And the sooner I'm out of school, the sooner I'm free to have that." I tell him. It's true. The only thing I could afford to get myself was an IPhone and headphones from HotTopic but that's it.

"I know but come on. Can't you cheer up just a little bit?" Jordan said with pleading eyes.

"Not at 5:47 in the morning." I joked. We laughed a bit. Well, I don't laugh often so it was more of a giggle but even that's rare. This is the only place you would get a glimpse of me showing any signs of happiness. My food is ready so I told Jordan I would talk to him later and took a seat at a table. I saw a tall man with a red bandana over his eyes and a red button up shirt walk in. His sleeves are rolled half way up and he is wearing black pants and shoes. He also had tan skin and black hair. I just put my headphones, listened to music and kept eating what little food I had.

Aaron's POV(I know u know who it is)

I walk in the Mc'Donald's at 5:50 in the morning. Earlier than when I usually get up but it's my first day of work and I had to set up my classroom before the students arrive. After that I can walk up at seven like a normal person would. School starts at 7:30 so I have plenty of time, especially since I live close and have a car. In the corner of my eye, I see a h/c hair girl with e/c eyes and a uniform for Phinox Drop High, the school I work at. I couldn't tell her age because she looked pretty short but it looks like she knew what she was doing. I walk up to the register and order a coffee and pancakes. I left as soon as my food was ready. But I had a weird feeling about today. Something tells me it has to do with that h/c hair girl. But now I have to eat and get my classroom set up. I was chosen to teach werewolf class since I did well in high school on it. But it's a little odd since I would be teaching in the exact same classroom I was in three years ago and I'm not a werewolf.

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