Chapter 8 Time

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Y/n's POV

Silence. We sat at an ice cream parlor as Garroth was paying for a few cold treats. Vylad sat across from me with his hands intertwined and against his lips. Zane sat beside me, slouching back in his seat with his hands in his pocket. All of us were quite and remained in our school uniforms. It's been about less than fifteen minutes since I've told them my first name and since then, it was utter shock and silence. I was only confused on why we were out getting ice cream. Garroth came back with two cones of ice cream in each hand. I only know the three generic ice cream flavors so I was confused when I saw flavors other than chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. He handed Vylad one that looked like vanilla ice cream but it had numerous of small color blotches on it. He handed Zane one that was a mix of purple and pink. Zane had gave Garroth a small glare, as if he disliked the colors but looked back at the ice cream with a soft expression from what I can see for the one quarter of his face that he shows. Garroth only held two more ice cream cones. One looked like vanilla ice cream with red jelly like stripes and pieces of some kind of bread mixed with it. The other one he handed to me. I hesitantly took it from his hands, me giving him a curt nod as a way to thank him. I stared at it in my hands. It looked like vanilla ice cream but the color was tinted gray because of the black things that looked like some sort of cookie chunks. I sigh quietly as the ice cream wasn't my main concern.

"Sorry none of us got there soon enough...." Garroth apologized before my mouth could open a full centimeter. I looked up slightly taken back.

"Don't apologize." The boys looked at me. "I just..forgot.... None of you should be put to blame." I say as I look downward at my treat. "What kind of ice cream is all of this....?"

"Did I just hear that correctly?" Zane asked in disbelief.

"Oh, you need an ice cream lesson now." Garroth spoke up.

"Mine is birthday cake flavored." Vylad said as he pulled out a small pink spoon that was with his ice cream. He took off a small piece of ice cream with it and handed it to me. "Try it!" He smiles. I gently took the small spoon before starring at the ice cream for a moment before placing the head of the spoon in my mouth.

"Mm...." It does taste like cake.... I removed the spoon from my mouth and spoke. "It's good."

"It's my favorite!" He smiles at me before taking the spoon from my hand. Garroth then handed me a small spoon of his ice cream.

"Mine's strawberry cheesecake." I ate that bit and gave him the same response I did to Vylad. They then looked over at Zane. I only followed their gaze seconds after. "Baby brother...." Zane just sighed.

"Fine.... And don't call me that!" He told Garroth before taking a small pink spoon of his ice cream and handed it to me. "It's cotton candy...." I gently took it and gave it a try.

"Mm~...." I removed it from my mouth as my lips curved upwards slightly. If Zane didn't have the majority of his face hidden, I would have known he would be smiling slightly. I can see his cheek rise a bit on the visible part of his face. The other to had obvious smiles on their face.

"Yours is cookies & cream." Garroth said as he pointed to mine, which now made sense as I looked at it. I gave it a lick and it did taste as it seemed.

"Thanks...." I looked at all of them. "I really needed this...."

3rd Person POV

The siblings all had small talk; Garroth and Vylad did most of the talking. It honestly relaxing for all of them. It felt as if they were truly able to bond, even if there was some teasing. But the boys had already grown fawned of their new sister, even if Zane won't admit it, they know he's began to care. Garroth may be a so called adult but he sure as hell can't be one if he's not at the school or when the matter is serious. Vylad, he's almost like a cinnamon roll but he's more of a churro; he has the most connection with Y/n out of the whole Ro'meave family and seemed to be the one who be someone to simply ask for advice and talk to, granted, all of these brother's work perfectly depending on how everything is but Vylad is someone you can always talk to. Garroth already had the protective part -no, all of them are protective-, over protective part going on in the back of his mind and subconsciously. Zane is more eligible to silently hangout with and slowly begin conversations as the comfort rises. Their time together at the ice cream parlor had to come to an end, their mother had called them to return home. She was awfully worried when they weren't at the house earlier. When Garroth has told her that they were all out getting ice cream together, she was ecstatic and told Garroth to take their time but at least be back before dinner. Since everyone had already finished their tasty treat, they decided it was best to start going home. Zane, for one, wanted to change out of his uniform which Y/n had agreed with, earning a chuckle from the blond male.

Zianna's POV


"I was definitely paying the bills!" My husband shouted as he held up a bunch of papers. I quickly pushed his hands down to the table.

"Never mind that! Guess what!? Guess what!?" I bounce I'm excitement.

"A....Beyoncé concert is coming up?" He guessed with a questioning tone.

"Nope but something just as amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Well, what is it?" Garte asked with a clueless expression.

"Our kids are spending time with each other!" I squeal with sparkling eyes.

"Really? Or is Zane plotting to murder his brothers?"

"Garte!" I smack his shoulder. "Zuzu is not doing anything to them! The boys and our new daughter went out with each other to get ice cream! It's a huge step!"

"Zianna, calm down. Honestly..... I'm glad to hear this. I didn't think they'd get close to her so quickly.... Especially Zane...."

"But with all she has been through....this must be all new to her. I'm glad our boys are considerate enough to help her out...." My tone was soft, almost sorrowful.

"Aren't you cooking food in the kitchen?"

"Oh my Irene, I forgot!"

Garte's POV

I chuckle at my wife's quick change in moods as she ran off to the kitchen. I went back to paying the bills until I saw a letter. Curious, I set everything aside and read it. It was a court letter. This isn't for jury duty.... I began to read it and as I did so, it was clear to me on what this was for.


"My dear husband Garte; what was that word that had escaped from your mouth....?" I heard from behind me. It was enough to send chills down my spine as the aura my wife gave off was dark.

"Gah! Zianna, would you stop sneaking up on me!" It was more of a demand than a question. "And I have a good reason for profanity." I say as I hand her the piece of paper in my hands.

"What could be a good reason for that language to be in this-!?" She was cut off as soon as she skimmed through the letter. "...."

This was shorter than I planned it to be but, hey, it's here now so, buhbye!


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