Chapter 10 I Thought....

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Shit. It's been 2 years. I have no excuse to why this took so long to publish. I've been wanting to update all my stories so I'm going to make it a point to do just that. What sucks is that this chapter was practically ready this whole time!

Y/n's POV

I had my knees to my chest as I sat on the bed in my room. It's odd to know I actually have a bed now with fresh sheets and blankets. A new pillow, an amazing mattress... But that's not what I was focusing on. I was thinking back to that day. More so..after what happened. How I'm here now. But something struck me as I now knew what had happened. What was said. What I was called.

"Aaron.." There was a bang-like knock on my locked door which had got my attention, making my gaze go towards it.

"Inny! You must eat your breakfast!" Zianna called out to me. "You've been in your room all morning! Don't make me come in there."

"I'm coming ma'am." I noticed my rare slip as I got off of the bed, my tail down but free. I think that's one of the only comforting parts of the uniform, how it's designed.

"Oh come on! I'm not that old yo." Her spunk was detectable as I walked to the now unlocked door and opened it, showing the black haired woman that resembles Zane the most from what I can tell. Garroth looks almost exactly like Garte and Vylad..he has only small features from Zianna but I want to say he may have gotten his looks from the grandparents in this family because genetics. I learned a few things in biology as a freshman. Hey, I already get made fun of at school, I don't want to give people another reason to pick on me, even if I practically already have bodyguards at my side. It honestly makes me feel..weak. It was somewhat comforting but, I feel useless in the fact I can't fully stand up for myself other than just spit out words.

"It looks like your gaining some meat on those bones!" Zianna let out a giggle. "I can't wait till you recover and become huggable!" She cheered as she walked off. I don't quite understand her. Why would she want me to be huggable? What does that even mean? I gently smile and shook my head. She's just funny. I closed the bedroom door before following her downstairs and into the dining room were there other boys were already eating without me. I'm guessing Garte is already at work. Zianna giggle as she smiled over at me. "I made waffles~!" She sung as she held out a plate for me. I gently took the plate off food from her and gave her a small smile.

"Thank you.." I spoke softly before going ahead and taking a seat besides Garroth at the dinning table. I just felt so..out of it. I felt nothing but at the same time I felt upset for no reason. I'm guessing it's just one of those days. And no, not my period. That joke is old. I began to eat my my waffles and my Irene, they're so fluffy. So fluffy, I got full really quickly. Luckily she only gave me one waffle, I think I would have been sick if I had gotten another. The environment here was..different. I've gotten comfortable in a sense but I was still weary. This almost felt like a trap. But it wasn't, and I know that, it just didn't convince me at heart. Like I even have one anymore.

"Inny! Eat your breakfast! You haven't even taken a bite of your fruit!" I was able to hear Zianna's over joyed voice scold me but she was too nice to actually sound threatening if that's what she was trying to go for. I only hummed in response. I didn't even try to speak. I had nothing to say. I wasn't even wanting to eat right now but I felt..weakened in an odd way. I let out a sigh through my nose before forcing my body to move so I could consume the rest of my meal. I finished, but I still placed the fork in my mouth as if it had a piece of food on it. I didn't pull it away, I remained holding it. I just felt so lost right now. Why do I feel this way? Sure, I'm not a happy-go-fucking-lucky person but this was odd. I felt dull, like I was just here- emotions taken away. But I was confused in a way that wasn't present. I don't even understand it. I don't understand any of this. Why am I here? Why were all these people willing to care for me? What kind of joke was this? Why do I not feel upset about the thought? Why were Garroth, Zane and Vylad upset when I was attacked? Why was Aaron even there when his class was nowhere near the area? Pale fingers snapping in front of my face brought me out of my trans, causing me to blink rapidly for a moment before looking at the owner of the fingers that were no longer in my face. "Gurl, the day has just begun! Now go on! The boys are waiting for you in the living room!" Zianna's spoke with a bright smile as she handed me my lunch bag that was filled with who-knows-what today. "But I'm gonna need that fork first.." Oh, right. I gently took the form out of my mouth and gently handed it it her by the handle. She took it from me in return for my lunch before smiling and ushering me off to the living room.

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