I wake up, upside down, gagged, chained, this was not what I signed up for. I tried to slip my ring off but it had been glued down, crap.

Kaname kneels down in front of me he has a dagger. He took the gag off, 'any last words?' he asked.

'Wonder twin powers active!' I screamed at him

I knew it wouldn't work, I don't even know the full extranet. He puts the gag back on, then cuts both of my wrist, I trusted around, but I hand no blood in my legs to pull myself out, he really wanted to kill me. The blood poured out into the jar, I became weak fast and I couldn't think or see straight any more.

Then I passed out.

I woke up sometime when. My sister was sitting on the foot of my bed asleep. Í tried to sit up but I was to week, he got me good,

Cross came in, 'Anne you're awake and kicking, the night class found you getting attacked by e's,' cross said hugging me and my sister feel from her spot.

'Cross kaname did this to me.' I replied to him

'Andrea! 'My sister screamed

Prefect time to ask her name. 'Michelle could you please wait outside.' cross asled

So she left.' Anne what do you mean'

'I can't remember much but kaname asked for me, then I went to see him......... where's my bow!' I exclaimed realizing it wasn't here.

'Don't worry I have it, I found it on the sight, Sebastian brought you in.' he said

í was pissed off, 'go away cross I'm pissed off now.'

'All right. Come to dinner tonight I'm going to cook.'

'Okay.' I smiled.

he left and my sister come back in, 'so I hear your little problem. You werent attacked by vampires I saw what happened in my head, kaname cut your wrist.'

'So we do have wonder twin powers?'

'We can see when our twins in trouble, feel it and see It.' she said

'Then you probably know what I went through.'

'I do I felt horrible for years I fought it was all a dream.'


'Yes I did Andrea I'm sorry I didn't know sooner, but once they started to pick up body's every one thought I was crazy.' she said.

'Do you know how to use magic?' I asked her

'Basics, I only started learning a few months ago.'

'Can you boil my blood?'

'No!" she exclaimed.

'No the stuff in me, all the blood kaname has and dissolve it so there's nothing.'

'I can't I'm to week I only started this year, which is the age we all start learning.'

''Real? I started when I was 4 and freed.'

'Í don't know anything like that'.'

'Grab my hands.' I said to her

The she sat beside me, I used her as an ampitrear. And I pictured myself in a different places, I saw the blood and made it boil rapidly, it steamed off and kaname started stressing, as it was gone in a matter of minutes.

Then we snapped back in, 'wow you're powerful.'

'No I'm not, magic's like rubber, you have to steacher it slowly or it will break.' I sighed.

'How do you know?'

'I found out the hard way took me 2 years to gain control of it again.'

'Tech me.'



''help me up so I can change.'

'I brought these over for you.'


So she helped me which made it awkward. But then we went to cross offices, he gave me back my bow and then my sister left, ''she's good to you.'

'I know but I don't trust her'

'She just wants to know you.'

I closed my eyes and fell asleep, on the table, why do I always fell tied. I woke up some time later to yuki, 'Anne wake up.' she said.

I looked at her, 'sorry.'

'Sorry we left you by yourself.'

'It's okay' I said to her.

Zero brother came out with cross, he seemed to be weak. Why. We had vegetable soup, surprisingly well, but I didn't unstained why this was happening for. Then zero ran out. 'I'll go get him' 'I sighed

I knew where he was be to. 'Anne you need to rest.'

'I'll be fine.'

I head out and went to cheek his room, no then barn I cheeked there no zero, so I got my horse out and got the shot gun load with ant vampire bullets and I took the sword, I got on my horse and tracked out I followed his trail and I then armed my bow, the horse found zero and we came to zero. I jumped down, 'zero stop.' I sighed.

He had ripped apart a lot of animals. 'Anne go! 'He screamed.

I shot his leg with the bow, 'stop!'

He turned to me with glowing red eyes. 'I can't smell your blood what happened.'

'Í got drained are you going to stop?' I orders him.


'Let's go back.'

Í unsummon my bow and zero helped me back on the horse. 'So why you leave.' I asked him.

'Because he's trying so hard, I'm something he hates.'

'So you're doing it but you're going to hurt him in the process of it. I give up but I'm still going to threw her back down the hole she doesn't belong up here, you since the way she acted she gets heavily bullied you know .'

'I know I have stuck up for the guys try to hit on her.'

'Thank you zero.'

'It's all right '

The Devils Angel. (black butler x vampire) Editing/finishingWhere stories live. Discover now