12 demons

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me and sabtaion continued talking like we use to. we were smiling and laughing. it was just fun.

we went over to get drinks .

******5 hours ago flashback sabtion pov.********

'sabtion wheres my tea' he order me.

i pour the herbs into his tea and hand it to him though he wouldn't know the difference now. he took a sip as i took the cart back to the used kitchen i took a i drank the other cup. then my hand brust into flames, then i heared ceil cry out in pain. 'sabation i order you to come help me.' he asked.

i didnt feel the compeleion to help him i walked in there, 'what was in that tea, howed you get something like that !' he screamed holding his eye. he saw my hand.

'you didnt.'he said

'anne give it to me, i did and your dead.'i smiled

then i ran my sword therw his chest killing him.

********* Anne pov.***

i went out side to follow the vampires with humans. i walked on the roof and they look harmless but zero and toga was still there at the prom so they have it handled.

i walked along there path above they didnt notices me. then i saw the creek and a floating body bag i ran across the water grabbing the body i pulled it in the bushes then i notices sevel more, and i pulled the rest of the bodys out of creek. i fellow up strem and there was nothing there then i flow back to the school and pluked him from walking back to his room,'i found seval dead bodys.'i said

i felw over to the bodys, i land and we went to the bodys , and unzipped the bags. 'these are hunters look the bags , go get cross while have to report this. good spotting .'he said.

so i did and brought him back. 'my what happened here.'cross said

still a bit wind striked 'they where attacked by vampire by the looks marks not e, m maybe common this is a control kill.'toga repliyed

' so this mean we going to have the council hanging round anne go back to offices and call kantio.'cross said.

'all right.'

flow back to school and i climed threw cross window and dail the number, 'hello.' a man sighed.

'hi this is anne stone number 0084. can you come to cross academy there a active level above e.' i said.

there was a brief silences. 'ill be there.'he said then he hang up.

'rude ,'i sighed.

then few back to cross, they where taking note on who the hunter were and zipping the bags out, 'hes coming.'i said.

'anne would you bring me back to school.' cross asked.

'sure.'i said

grabbing him and flying back to school i put my ring back on. 'anne would you mind to go round up yuki and zero and get the classes all back to there dorms. 'he asked.


'the night class are back at there drom.'

'i know the drill.' i said.

i couldnt found any non human on cavnes, so i cheak everyone of roll. there all there so i flew to the night class, i saw something intersting. there was zero angry at a non night class ,i kicked the window i and climb therw, i pull my gun to the back of her head. 'your not a cross academy's vampire are you?'i asked her.

'i smell you on zero you have some good smelling blood.'she said.

'yeah your not getting any.'i said.

'dont want me to bite you?' i shot her shoulder knees in cousing her to fall,

'did you kill thoughes hunters?'i asked.

'i did you should be fighting me.'the twin zero said.

i looked to zero 'you have a brother?', yuki came in and that pure blood pulled me therw the floor. i land on my feet so did she, 'im going to kill you.'she said.

i pulled out the sword hilt. worth a try . i tryed activing it the same way and a lighting blade shot up. she lunged at me and grab me by my wings, 'im going to kill you.'she said.

she snapped one of my wings off, i screamed out in angony, the sceomd wing came off, it felt like she had stole my breath, i couldnt scream. 'you were my brother little blood bag.'she whisper.

then snapped the other one, she licked the blood off her hands, 'your blood its like life.'she said.

she therw me to the ground and my head smacked to the ground, the blood poured out of my back, she grabbed me and held me to her faces, "your so weak." she said to me like I was a puppy dog.

her eyes turned red and her fangs grow Long then her jews snap shut around my neck, I froze up in pain gasping for air. her bit sank deeper and I could feel her taking her time on perspes to make me suffer. I couldn't breath and my body felt like it was on fire  and then i lost contusions

The Devils Angel. (black butler x vampire) Editing/finishingWhere stories live. Discover now