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The morning I got up early, 1&2 where still a sleep, I had to go meet up with yuki. I got changed into shorts and a tee-shirt and went to the sports hall, in the morning it was the disciplines committees because cross has decided to have a completions between schools.

I walked in there was togu, cross, zero and yuki, 'I cant believe you signed us up for this cross.' i said

'they said we sucked and we couldn't beat them at anything, there top in combat. Or anything. You guys are my best.'he cried.

'its cheating using us,'i said.

'shes right a vampire and annes a arc angle.'zero said.

kaname and Sebastian showed up, 'what are they doing here.' I sighed

'let me explain, there's five disciplines, Sebastian do anything, and kanames a top fences, zero shooting, yuki kendo and you hand to hand combat.' he said.

'I am trained to kill. I will hurt them.' I said

'ill be your training partner.' sabitbion said.

I smiled at him and he smiled back, 'no I will, I now the combat rules you help kaname.'togu said.

me a toga went to the mats. put the head gear and gloves on .i put my mouth grad in. 'all right we start in this positison, and then have your hand in jab position, this is how we start.' he said.

so I got in the position.'this leaves you open.' I said.

then he kicked my foot from under me flipping me onto my back and he held me by my throat lightly. 'that's a point against you.'toga growled

'you didn't say go.'i said

'that's right toga pently!'cross sang

'in really life you don't have petals this is life or death.' he yelled at cross.

'your still up set about what happened to me, aren't you? My wings will grow back. Im lucky i didnt die.'

'I trained you better then that.' he said to me.

'togu image having one of your arms ripped off then your head smacked on the ground, you lose fouces, she pulled me threw the floor and slamed my head againt the floor then snapped my head against floor she ripped my wing off. then she slamed my head on the wall then snapped her jaw shut around my neck. and I couldn't scream, I couldn't breath. I felt every bit of life being drained from me. I think about it every day, if I was that bit stronger, that bit faster I could of killed her." I said.

every one had stop and listened to me, 'look at my wing its deformed but its growning back slowly.' I said taking my ring off,

I showed them the disfromed wings
, one was black and magijutsic long and black, my other wing was featherless, twisted and deformed with white feathers coming from the tips .'it isn't pretty but it will come right.' I smiled then put my ring back on.

'so don't go easy on me you trained me right'.i said getting up

so me and toga went hand to hand matching moves and strikes then he messed up then I got him down with a upper cut. 'you proved me wrong.' he said.

I helped him up, 'that's impressive.' he said

'yeah I haven't became softed, wanna go again.' I said.

'no im to old for this.'he said walking off holding his back

I laughed at him, 'old man.' I smiled with a gig

'anna come shoot with me.' zero said.

so I went and set up the high powerife and we went to the long shotting rang, 1.5km. cross had the tragets out for us. 'surely you two can hit that' sebastion said.

The Devils Angel. (black butler x vampire) Editing/finishingWhere stories live. Discover now