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{Song for this chapter; Props & Mayhem - Pierce The Veil}

• Emilia's pov •

"Em! This is the fifth time! Wake up before I come into that room!" my angry room mate, Karla, said. "I mean it!" She began banging on my door.

You may ask yourself, 'who is Em?' or 'I thought her name was Halley' it's because I won't let anyone call me Halley anymore. It reminds me too much of Tony and what he did to me. He really, really hurt me. I don't think I can ever come face to face with him again.

I muttered curse words into my pillow, but got up tiredly. I stretched my arms in the air, yawning. While the shower was running cold water, I picked out my work uniform consisting of a normal black shirt, and beige pants. I shut the bathroom door behind me, locking it just in case.

"You've got twenty minutes!" Karla yelled.

Holy shit, I thought. I'm gonna be late.

I quickly took a shower then put on my work clothes. Whenever I opened the door to the bathroom, Karla was standing there, a funny look on her face. "What?" I asked. "Do I have something on my face because I just took a shower." I reached up to my face to get what was ever on it, off.

"Emilia, stop," she laughed, pulling my arm down. "You're going to be late, now go!" She ushered me out the door. I was half-way out the door when she shouted, "oh, and your half of the rent is due tomorrow!"

"Crap," I muttered to myself. I nodded, turning back to see Karla in the bathroom already. She was fixing her wavy, blonde hair. "Okay, thanks!"

"You're welcome!" was all I heard when I shut the door behind me. I started walking towards Pauli's Guitar Shop -- where I worked.

I walked into the shop and saw my boss, Mandy, strolling around listening to her music, earbuds in her ears. I laughed at her as she hummed along, cleaning the guitars that were on display.

"Mandy," I said. I sighed when she continued humming. "Mandy!"

She jumped -- literally -- ten feet in the air. "Emilia, I swear to god you're going to give me a heart attack someday!" Mandy said, resting her back on the front counter, her hand on her heart for dramatic effect.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, a grin on my face. I set my backpack in the back room for employees only.

"Em, are you ready to open the doors?!" Mandy called from outside the back room.

I sighed, fixing my long, dyed, brown hair in the mirror. I use to have my natural colour, red or orange as some people say, before Tony cheated. I dyed it because I could still feel him stroking my hair at night when I couldn't sleep. "Yeah! Be right there!"


"That would be two eighty-five," I said politely to a teenage girl buying two guitar picks. She handed me the money with a smile on her face. "Thank you for coming to Pauli's Guitar Shop," I handed the girl her change and her guitar picks, smiling back.

It was already 3:30pm and I was tired. Not just because I woke up at 7, but because I stayed up until 3. Which means I only got four hours of sleep. Ugh.

The doors' bell rang telling me she left. "Mandy!" I called, too lazy to get up and go find her. She was most likely in the back room or lazing around somewhere.

"What?!" Mandy yelled back. "Come here so I don't have to yell!"

I sighed but obliged. When I found her, she was lying on the table, groaning, whilst holding her stomach. "Cramps?" I asked, sympathy in my eyes.

Mandy nodded slowly. "It hurts like a bitch," she said. I saw tears slip out of her tightly closed eyes.

"Mandy, I can take care of the store. I mean, if you want," I said. "Go home and get some rest."

She shook her head. "No, I can't. I'll just pop some painkillers. I'm fine." I could see in her eyes she was lying. And plus the fact she couldn't even get up when she tried to.

"Please," I said. "The store will be just fine. I promise. You could even just stay back here," I offered, sitting up on the table beside where her body lied.

She sighed, staring at my face for a minute. "Fine, but if anything happens just come get me. I'll be back here," she said.

I smiled and nodded. "Okay." I stood up from the table.

"Oh, and can you get me some painkillers? They're in my bag over there." She pointed to a purple purse sitting in the corner.

I nodded and gave Mandy her pills. "Good luck!" she yelled after me when I exited the room. She said something after, but I couldn't quite make it out.

When I walked back into the shop area, a boy with a 'Key Street' hat was at the counter. He was staring down at his phone, so I couldn't catch his face clearly. I walked over to the counter, thoughts running through my head, but I let them go, like they were nothing. I picked up my lucky pen and began my everyday words of work.

"Hi, welcome to Pauli's Guitar Shop. I'm Emilia. How can I--" I paused, dropping my pen on the counter. It was him. That one person I was trying to forget all my life. Tony Perry.

He looked up from his phone, staring into my eyes. "Oh, you're a fan?" And with only four words, my heart was broken in several pieces for the second time, by the exact same person.

The thoughts came back, only they weren't worry thoughts about Mandy, they were angry thoughts about Tony.

Author's Note;

yaya first chapter aw

picture on the side of Emilia after she dyed her hair

maybe this time three comments for an update? please? i just rlly love your guys' feedback

thank you for the people who actually read my authors notes ok ilu


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