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{Song for this chapter; What Are You So Scared Of? - Tonight Alive}

• Emilia's pov •

We sat down in a booth of a simple pizza place, checkered plastic table cloth on top of the tables. Mandy's so called 'boyfriend' is going to meet us here soon. He texted Mandy saying he'd be a bit late because of traffic, something I was really suspicious about.

"Did you tell him my name?" She shook her head, her right arm supporting her chin from the table. "Appearance? Date of birth?"

She shook her head again, starting to get annoyed. "No, but why does it even matter, Em? It isn't the biggest deal," she said, removing her hand from her face and crossing her arms over her chest, looking around the pizza place.

"So you did tell him that stuff."

"No! I didn't!" she exclaimed, realizing it was loud and apologizing to the staring people around us. "Emilia will you please stop? I can assure you I didn't tell him anything about you. Other then the fact you're my best friend and you're the closest person to me."

I smiled weakly at Mandy, gripping her arm slightly. "Aw," I started. "You're so cute whenever you're in love. I bet he's actually a really nice guy, Mand."

She rolled her eyes dramatically, smiling playfully, and gripping my arm back. "I know," she said. "I know." Mandy let go of my arm, me following her actions. She turned her attention to the window on our left, watching a boy run quickly from his car to the door of the pizza place. "That's him!"

My mouth opened a little, shocked at the person who Mandy was pointing at. "Are you--are you sure?" I asked, gulping. I could feel my heart rate start to speed up with each step he took.

"Yeah, I'm sure," she said excitedly, standing up to go get him at the door. "I'm gonna go greet him. Do you wanna come?"

I shook my head, crossing my leg over my other leg. "No thanks. I'll, uh, meet him whenever he comes to the table." She nodded, walking to the door with a huge smile on her face.

It was Vic. One of Tony's band members. He was one of the boys that I played video games and ate pizza with all night long. One of the boys who made me late for picking up my parents. One of the boys that actually cared about getting to know me. Other then Mike, Vic actually talked to me while it wasn't both of our turns playing the video game that was on the tv. Which was what worried the crap out of me. Vic would know exactly who I am as soon as he sees me. Who knows, maybe Tony told him about me really being Halley, too. Or maybe it was Jaime and his huge mouth.

He's lying to Mandy about being in a band or else Mandy would have known about Tony being his other band mate. Vic is lying to my best friend. And by the time he goes back to San Diego, she'll be heartbroken. That little--

"Emilia, meet Vic," Mandy said, sliding into the booth across from me, Vic sitting beside her. He was sitting across from me, staring deeply into my eyes. "Vic, meet Emilia."

I waved, not having the words to say anything right now. I looked away from his staring and picked up my menu, pretending there was something interesting on it. "Nice to meet you," he said to me, grinning. "Mandy talks about you all the time."

Nodding, I set down the menu, smiling a fake smile back. I glared at Mandy as she had a sorry expression on her face. "So, how long have you guys been dating? A month--a week?" I narrowed my eyes at Vic, hoping he'd get the clue.


"No, Mandy. Really, it's fine," he said, putting his hand on her delicate arm. They smiled at each other for a while, mumbling things that I couldn't make out.

For The Second Time {Tony Perry}Where stories live. Discover now