3 - A face like yours

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Clary flinched in annoyance as Jace drummed his fingers against the table. He'd insisted on sitting next to her - which, as first, she was fine with - but now that she knew how restless he was, she was starting to regret her eagerness when he slid into the chair next to her.

"It's fairly difficult to concentrate when you seem to be rehearsing a drum solo over there," Clary finally said, letting her hand drop down on the table.

"It's fairly difficult to concentrate on hitting this table when you keep scribbling on your paper," Jace replied, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Clary rolled her eyes and, in defeat, put her pen down. She turned to face him, letting her eyes scan his features; a strand of blonde hair dropped in front of his gold eyes. Somewhere in his eyes, she thought, she saw a sliver of vulnerability - as if his confidence and arrogance was a wall build around his caring, gentle self.

"Enjoying the view?" Jace said, snapping Clary back to reality. She felt her cheeks flush slightly as she shook her head, failing to hide her amusement. Maybe she'd just imagined the vulnerable side to Jace.

"Don't flatter yourself," she smirked, closing her book and starting to put her things away as she noticed the time. "The bell goes in about a minute," she quickly mentioned, observing Jace's  confused expression.

As if on cue, the sound of ringing rattled throughout the room, and a chorus of relieved sighs and people standing up from chairs drowned out the teacher's ramblings. Clary turned around to see Jace looking at her. He blinked as her eyes locked on his, as if waking up from a daydream, and smiled. "Walk with me to get Iz?" he asked.

"Simon's there too. Why not?" she smiled. 

"Do you have any friends other than him?" Jace asked, not even trying to hide the disgust in his voice after saying the word him.

"Not really. But you can't talk - you're only friends are your siblings," Clary responded

"Touché" he smiled, before gesturing towards the door, indicating her to lead the way.


Alec wasn't exactly sure why meeting Magnus had made him so flustered - he didn't really understand what Magnus had meant when he said he would've remembered a face like his. He'd rushed away pretty quickly after introducing himself, mustering up some story about having to meet someone outside. He didn't even get the chance to ask him if Magnus was his real name.

Now, sitting on a bench outside waiting for Isabelle and Jace, his mind finally began to calm down. The rest of the day had been fairly uneventful for him. He just hoped that his siblings hadn't seen his awkward collision with Magnus - if they had, he'd never hear the end of it.

Soon, he heard the familiar laugh of her sister and the click of her boots against the floor. He looked up to see Isabelle, Jace, Clary and Simon heading towards him. He stood up when they reached him and smiled at his siblings - ignoring the other two. It wasn't that he didn't like Clary and Simon - he just didn't like the way Jace had looked at the girl with such fondness, even though she was a stranger to them.

"Hey big bro! Mom just texted me asking if we could pick up Max, so we'll have to take the long way home," Izzy said happily. She loved looking after Max, and the way her eyes lit up whenever she saw their little brother was always enough to make a beaming smile spread across Alec's face, regardless of how he'd been feeling prior.

"That's fine, as long as his teachers don't get mad at us for his behavior again," said Alec. He turned as if to start walking, then paused as he saw Isabelle turn back to face Clary and Simon.

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