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I didn't even know his name. He didn't know mine, I just couldn't understand why he'd left the chat. Did think I was ugly? I wasn't, I mean I was pretty sure I was cute but I couldn't figure it out.

Maybe he was just busy.

But I didn't have the balls to start talking to him first.

Justapringle hey where are you?

Justapringle you haven't posted in days

Califoreignipples can i come over

Justapringle mickey's here

Califoreignipples i don't care

I walked to Luke's with a sour frown checking my instagram feed and kik messages. There were no knew ones.

Luke hugged me immediately when I came, Michael peeked at me from behind nervously. I felt bad for interrupting them.

"What's wrong?" We sat on his couch my legs bunched as I curled up into Luke. Michael sat behind me, I could feel his hands practically twitching to touch me. He was being careful.

Michael was my ex, as well as Luke's best friend. They hung out once a month since he lived far from us. When he was dating me I saw him every day and that upset Luke but he was chill, Michael broke up with me since he felt bad that Luke didn't get to see him as much. Luke and I were mad at him since he was an idiot and told my followers my name, it was by accident but I really didn't know.

I hand Luke my phone showing him my messages.


I look away ashamed as he handed Michael the phone. Michael coughed and began to curse. "You sent some idiot a picture of your ass? Isn't being a pornstar at sixteen enough. Jesus Calum."

Michael had his arms wrapped around me. I felt comfortable but not secure, just friendly like Luke. It was different cause I used to fuck him and when we cuddled it was always something more.

"Shut up Michael, the guy didn't even know Cal was a boy, that's obviously why he didn't respond." My head shot up and suddenly I felt way better.

Luke was right, this guy was pissed cause he got hard from a boy. I spurt out with laughter.

Pov 1

Any guess as to why he left the chat? Yeah I'm not revealing their positions yet.

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