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Chainsmoxeran added you

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Califoreignipples hey

Chainsmoxeran listen I'm a friend of Ashton's, he's an idiot who needs help. I've told him a million times that closets are for clothes but the damn boy is confused as hell. I don't know if you're just some guy looking for a good fuck or if you even remotely care but this is his number xxx xxx xxxx just try to convince him to meet you or talk I dunno but he's wrecked over you.

Califoreignipples uh sorry but I don't know any Ashton, wish I could help

Chainsmoxeran he didn't tell you his name? Huh

Chainsmoxeran bigfilthydaddy ring a bell

Califoreignipples oh

Pov 1

I know you all have thousands of questions and feel free to ask. Since I'm lazy af and do nothing all day I'll most likely reply unless I'm watching really good yaoi

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