Dewford Gym Battle!

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We reached Dewford Town. Dante and I started to put out the tents, mostly because it's already night time.

Dante: You know, you can challenge the gym now if you want to.

Me: No thanks, I'm still nerveous but I got a plan. I just not sure if it's gonna work.

Actually I'm fired up. I want to beat the heck out of Brawly, but after this, we will go to Rustboro and recieve the award. The problem is that I already consider this guy my friend and I really don't want us to part ways after that and it kinda hurts me. Maybe it's because I spent 9 years without a friend near me. I guess loneliness makes you get easily attached to someone just because of a kind gesture.

We slept until it the sun rised. Good thing my tent is fully covered and it's dark blue, so I can change clothes but I really need to refresh my body.

Me: Dante!

Dante: What!

Me: Are you sleeping!?

Dante: I was! Why?!

Me: Stay in your tent and don't go outside of it!

Dante: But, what if I wanted to do #1 or #2?!

Me: Then wait until I get back!

I was only with my white long t shirt went on the beach but near Granite Cave. I took my shirt off and went on the water. The water cover my body up and only revealed my part of my face. After a few minutes, I felt a bump on my back. I turn to see a blue haired guy.

He: Sorry lady, I didn't see you!

Me: Dante help!

He: Hey, I just bumped into you, no need to overreact. Here let me help you get out of the water.

He was about to try to carry me, but I punch him under his chin, obviously covering my chest. I think I knock him out because he's floating on the water.

I hide back underwater and saw Dante rushing near me.

Me: Stay back! And get this dude out of here!

Dante: What's wrong Arty?! This beach is public, I can't... Wait did you just punch Brawly!?

Me: ... I don't who it was?!

Dante: Why?!

Me: I... Was refreshing myself...

Dante: Come on! You should get used to people see you on bathing suits...

I stared at him mad but ashamed.

Dante: Don't tell me your naked?!

Me: Shut up and get this guy out!

Dante: Ok... Just turn around and go deeper in the water.

I did as instructed. I could hear Dante entering the water, pick up Brawly and went out of water. I peek and notice that they are out of view. I rush out, put my shirt on and I went to the tent.

Dante's POV:

I couldn't believe that my man Brawly was beat up by Arty. Maybe he was off guard and saw her naked.

We reach to my tent, put him down and waited for him to get up.

Brawly: Ow... That really hurt.

He started to sob his chin area.

Me: I still can't believe you were beat up by a girl.

Brawly: It was unexpected, I swear!

Me: Well Arty can be scary when she's mad haha!

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