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     "Come join us at the 'New and Improved' Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria! The magical place where dreams come true! Jobs available now. Call 1-800-XXX-XXXX"

     I chuckle at the ad playing over my car radio. 'A place where dreams come true indeed. Not from what I've heard.' I slow as I pull into the parking lot belonging to my new apartment. 'Glad I don't have to work in a place like that. They always seem to bring bad luck.' I step out of the car and walk to the building, then proceed to input my code.


     I walk into the entrance and make my way to the elevator.

     "Hold that door, please!" I say as I spot the doors of the elevator closing. A hand snaps out and grabs the door.

     "You called?" A man's voice calls from within the elevator.

     "Yes, I did! Thanks!" As I approach, I take note of his appearance. He wears loose-fitting blue jeans and a plain t-shirt. Black hair sits under a cap with the logo of Freddy's Pizzeria. I stand by the door opposite of the man.

     "So. What floor are you heading to?" He asks when I make no move from my spot. I jolt slightly. 'Floor? Oh! Right!' I shuffle around in the small bag I always carry around until I find the paper with my address.

     "Um... Floor 2 please."

     "Right away, M'lady." Silence overtakes the elevator while we wait for our designated floors. "So... Are you new around here? I haven't seen you before." 'Just keep it short and sweet, Vienna'

     "Yeah, I am actually. I'm just going to my apartment now."

     "Nice. I actu-"


     The door shifts open, interrupting the man. I hurry out of the elevator, but not before saying a quick goodbye. 'Alright! Now I need to find 208... 208... 208!' I put my key in the door and unlock it. The door swings open, revealing a barren apartment.

     "Well. It may not be much, but it's home!" I take off my shoes and step inside, almost tripping on boxes stacked by the door. 'I thought I told them to stack the boxes away from the door...' I hop over the pile of boxes and head to the kitchen. I pull open my cupboard doors and examine the contents. Or lack thereof. I sigh. 'Guess I need to go shopping.' I look at my phone. '7:30... Not really enough time to shop.' I grab some Mac n' Cheese to eat before settling down in front of my laptop. I open my browser and start searching for job opportunities around the city.

     'Life guard at the local pool... Cashier at the supermarket... Waitress and Night guard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria? Wow, they must've opened recently.' I scan through several pages of ads before growing bored. Instead, I decide to be lazy and just watch videos.

     I yawn, and stretch after finishing my marathon of Mianite. My friend had always been badgering me to watch it, but I never really got into it. I must say though, it was much better than I expected story-wise. 'Ugh, my legs hurt... What time is it?' I glance down at the clock on my laptop screen.

     "11! It can't be that late already!" I shutdown my laptop and stand up, making sure to stretch my poor leg muscles. I make my way into my bedroom stacked with boxes. 'I'll deal with those tomorrow.' I grab my pajamas and pull them on before digging myself under the covers of my new bed.

     Winds whips past my face, blowing my dark hair all around. I shiver, and pull my coat closer. 'For the time of year, it's surprisingly cold. Of course, that may just be because it's midnight.' I look up and examine the street before me. A single lamp flickers on and off in front of the building on the opposite side of the street. I look up and down the rest of the road. Nothing. Nothing except for this singular building. 'Strange...'


     I turn my head towards the blacked out building where a figure has just come out. They stand in a defensive manner with their shoulders hunched. They look up and down the street before noticing me. I lean my head to the side and take note of their appearance as best as I can. A cap sits upon their head, slightly cast to the side. They wear a blue, long sleeve jacket over-top a white shirt. I can't tell the color of the jeans they are wearing because of the dying light. Suddenly, they stand up tall, showing off all that previously could not be seen.

     I gasp and cover my mouth. The figure stares directly at my face while giving off a crooked smile. Red splatters cover the majority of their clothing and face. Some of the red liquid still drips onto the sidewalk. All of a sudden they turn and break into a sprint, racing off into the darkness. While they run, the hat they were wearing flies off, landing on the cement. I jog up to the hat and pick it up. The cap was that of a security guard, with a badge and all. On the side says "Freddy's Family Diner". I stare at the hat for several moments before noticing that the area seems to be much brighter. I look up towards the building.

     A neon sign now hangs above the door. I head back across the street to get a better look. The name of the building now hangs proudly alongside four smiling characters. But then the faces begin to change. The paint below the eyes of the animals begins to run, making it seem like they are crying. Then all I could see was darkness.

Save us  

A/N: So, new book! Woo! I was actually really, really excited to start this one because I'm into Fnaf at the moment and decoding it's backstory. The song at the top is one of the ones I listened to to give me inspiration and I think it fits quite nicely with this book. I'm going to say this now, when I was writing this book I got very much into details so if you get any references of any kind, A: I wanna know! and B: if they are pivotal to plot or seem important, msg me about it but try not to spoil too much for others, k? The fun of it is to figure it out! Anyways, moving on! 

To those that are reading The Dark Guardian! I'm sorry that I haven't posted anything for so long but I just have no inspiration for it and I'm not sure if it will be finished.

I hope you enjoy my latest book!
- Grace

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