We were both strolling down the street with nothing in sight only dirty pathways and battered chained up old buildings.
Around my shoulders was George's warm soft coat.
He had his arm around my waist as we walked together down the neglected street.
I felt safe. I could feel the heat of his hand through my clothes on my cold skin.
I had apologised for being so pathetic, to say what I said to him.
He didnt seem to mind when I said sorry though.
He seemed as if he expected it..
I honestly couldn't care if we were lost around the country right now.
I'm with the person that means the absolute world to me.
But he doesn't see me the way I see him. That's the sad part.
"do you think any taxi's come by here?" George says unsurely.
I looked up at him "George I don't even think people come by here!"
George giggled and nodded, "we need to keep going! c'mon!"
"I'm too tired to walk any further" I moaned as I stopped and folded my arms
George tilted his head at me and pouted sarcastically
I pouted back sarcastically too but ended up laughing.
George laughed too and then turned his back to me and crouched down slightly.
I stared at him.. "umm.."
"ill carry ya for a while.." he said patting his back
"I'd be too heavy!"
George turned to me "just get on before I change my mind.."
I sighed and gripped onto his shoulders "are you sure?"
I jumped on his back and gripped onto him tightly.
He looked up at me "comfy?"
I smiled and nodded..
He started walking and I put my chin on his shoulder and watched his footsteps below.
His curls brushed off my cheek lightly and I carefully twined my finger around one curl and let it go. It sprang perfectly back into place where it was.
"that tickles stop!" George says shrugging his head against one shoulder
"sorry.." I say quietly..
George always seemed to be like a child since he was young..
He would always go around and making up our little imaginary games where he would always end up saving me from some situation in our little world.
We both loved playing together and whenever my friends came over, George would always join in with us.
On days when it was rainy or cold, we would always go to his attic and build a tent with some sheets from the hot press or towels that were hanging in the bathroom.
Of course we would always get in trouble for some missing items of the house too!
But we didnt care..
We were kids.
I remember he told me that he never wanted to grow up..
..But he did

You've Changed.. (George Shelley Fanfic)
FanfictionGeorge & I had been best friends since we were 5 years old. We were always Inseparable! We just loved each other so much...