George was still holding my hand as we walked inside.
His hand was gently holding mine.
I was so nervous & every time I glanced up at him a little I would get butterflies but yet still In shock.
He walked me over to my table where Dominic was still talking to dad, and at that moment George released me from his grip.
He smiled at me and then looked at his dad.
I stood there awkwardly beside him. I just wanted to grab onto him and never let him go..But at this point I was so shy to even say a word to him.
"Dad.." George said widening his eyes at him..
Dominic glanced up at George still in conversation with my dad but gave him a little nod.
George looked at me but I looked away.
He giggled.. "I don't remember you being this shy (yourname)"
I blushed with slight embarrassment..
"well I haven't seen you in a long time so I guess I'm a bit..nervous" I say truthfully.
He smiled gently and leaned In closer to my face..
"Don't be, it's only me.." he whispered gently with an angelic smile.
I smiled back, still blushing.
He really was perfect.
George then looked back at his dad again and this time, Dominic stopped talking.
"right! I better get my superstar home!" Dom said rubbing his hands and smiling at me.
My smile faded slightly.
He was leaving already?
"George start the car for me and ill be out in a minute" Dom says again, tossing his car keys across the table to George.
George caught them in one hand and then looked at me, indicating for me to walk out with him.
We strolled slowly out of the building, into the dark gardens.
The car was in the car park on the other side so it would take us a few minutes to get there anyway.
Little outdoor candles made a pathway all the way down the gate.
It was beautiful.
George fiddled with the keys as we walked slowly.
"so where do you live now?" I ask putting my hands behind my back..
"a little estate called Oakfield but I'm hardly ever there now cos of the boys"
I glanced at him "the boys as in union j?"
He nodded.
I really wanted to ask him something..I better do it now..
I took a deep breath in.. "can I ask you something?"
He frowned slightly "of can ask me anything"
I closed my eyes for a second and then opened them again.. "why haven't you stayed in touch with me.."
George was silent for a minute. And so was I.
"I thought you hated me" he said sadly...
I frowned at him "what? George I would never hate you! why would you think that!?"
"because I left you!"
We both went quiet.
"but I wouldn't hate you for's not your fault." I say gently..
He was still quiet.
We both stopped at the car.
Still saying nothing.
George leaned up against the car staring at me.
I folded my arms and looked down at the ground.
"so when will you be back.." I say shyly..
"I can't promise anything" he replies sighing
"ain't that the truth"
"But I did keep one promise.." he says coming closer to me,
I giggled "and what was that?"
His hands slipped into mine, interlocking them with my fingers.
"I came back for you.." he whispered gently.
I was shocked.
My mind went back to the day when he was moving away, he hugged me tight and whispered "Ill come back for you I promise"
I then looked into his eyes.
The same eyes I looked into when I was young.
The same boy.
"Well thanks for starting my car! not!" Dominic said giggling and walking past George to get into the drivers seat.
We laughed too..
"It was lovely seeing you again (yourname) thank you so much for coming!" Dom said smiling at me.
I smiled back "anytime.."
The car started and George quickly looked at me "come over to mine tomorrow, we can have a proper catch up."
I nodded "yeah! definitely!
"Ill pick you up yeah? you still live in our old estate don't you?"
"yeah I do.."
He smiled and pulled my waist into his wrapping his strong arms around me.
I buried my head in his shoulder and closed my eyes.
George always gave the best hugs.
He made me
we both released each other from our grip and George got into the car.
He closed the door and they both waved before driving off down the road.
I smiled.
I felt on top of the world.
Im one step closer back to George.
What will happen tomorrow?..
--Message from writer--
Hey guys! I hope your enjoying my fanfic so far! This is when everything starts to get good so I hope you'll like it!
I just wanted to thank you all for reading it and I wanna say that the reason I haven't updated in a while is because I was on holidays but ill be more active now since I'm home! :)
If you have an Instagram can you please follow: @ShelleysCurls
It's my new Fanpage for George so if you like daily pics and edits of George then that's the one! :D
I follow back too so free follow for you aye? ;)
Anyway! I will be updating the next bit either tomorrow or the next day so Thank you all!!
From- Emma X

You've Changed.. (George Shelley Fanfic)
FanfictionGeorge & I had been best friends since we were 5 years old. We were always Inseparable! We just loved each other so much...