Mum pulled up outside this normal looking estate house.
It was red brick and was at the end of a cul-de-sac.
There was a dimmed lantern looking light on the left of the front door.
It was dark and the front lights on our car shone on the windows & door of the house.
I clutched tighter to my phone, getting ready to get out.
As mum pulled to stop she sighed and pulled the keys out..
The engine stopped and there was silence.
We both sat there for a moment staring at the house.
She rattled the keys in her hand and then glanced at me;
"Are you ready?" she said putting her hand on my leg and giving it a tight squeeze with reassurance..
"I feel so nervous" I reply still staring at the house,
"of course you do! c'mon this is be the start of something!"
I glanced at her with a smile I couldn't help..
"I promise.." she whispered gently..
I nodded at her and took a deep breath
She put her keys back In and started up the car again;
"right call me when you want me to pick you up!" mum said as I got out of the car,
"yeah but don't be calling or texting me ill be fine!"
"oh of course, wouldn't want embarrassing mum to be checking up on you" she says sarcastically with a giggle,
I sighed "chat later, bye!"
I closed the door and gave one last wave to mum before running up to the door of the house.
I put my hand into a fist and lifted it up to knock on the door...but I stopped.
My stomach churned & my hands shook..
I was just too nervous.
I put my hand down by my side and looked behind me, Mum was already gone.
This was the only chance I had left.
I needed to make a good effort.
I stepped back and paced slowly up to the front window.
I made sure I wasn't seen and barely looked in.
The sitting room was empty with just a fire and some candles on the mantelpiece with pictures of family & friends surrounding them.
I smiled and felt a little better;
Soon enough I was standing back at the front door.
I fisted my hands together again and took a deep breath before knocking 3 times quickly on the door.
I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs and they got louder..
The door opened slowly and I saw George..and he smiled at me;
"well hello there!"
I immediately felt better.
"hey!" I say smiling back nervously
"come in, are you cold? I'm really cold!"
"yeah it's getting alot colder recently!"
He closed the door and stood close to me "well ill keep you warm here.."
His soft deep voice sent a shiver down my spine.
I couldn't resist smiling at him, and he did the same.

You've Changed.. (George Shelley Fanfic)
FanficGeorge & I had been best friends since we were 5 years old. We were always Inseparable! We just loved each other so much...