George thanked the man and offered to give him the few loose coins in his pocket but the man denied and said it was a pleasure.
As he drove off George turned to me and smiled
I smiled back and shyly blushed
George tugged my arm and we both jogged up to his front door.
George took a deep breath & shakily knocked on the door.
We heard fast footsteps. George glanced at me nervously.
The door swung open and Dom put his hand to his forehead & shook his head at us both.
"They're Back!" He shouted over his shoulder while he pulled George inside. I followed.
Dominic slammed the door shut and stared at George sternly.
"am I in trouble or something?" George frowned
"You bet you are kid." Dom replied pushing George into the kitchen.
I felt awkward as if I should leave now but George looked back at me with a look as if I needed to follow. And I did.
When I followed them into the kitchen, Georges stepmum was there. She was sitting at the table with a cup of tea with a worried yet relieved look on her face when she saw George.
She shot up and wrapped her arms around him placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Where were you! We were worried sick George! You can't just run off with (yourname) without letting us know! We were close to calling the bloody police to send a search team out!" Dom said quite loud..
George's stepmum put her hand on Doms back "Not so loud, the kids are sleeping"
Dominic sighed and shook his head at George.. "yeah sorry" he says swinging his head around to smile at his wife.
"And you missy! your mum has been very worried.."
George sighed "look I'm sorry but we got lost because-" he paused..
I frantically looked at him. Hoping he wouldn't mention my stupidity. That this was all my fault.
"I wanted to show (yourname) something but we ended up on the wrong street. Sorry dad."
I glanced at him with relief & he showed me a quick smile. Even though it sounded rather fake.
Dominic turned to me "will i drop you home sweetheart?"
"yeah sur-"
"No! it's too late, her parents are probably tired.. Just let her crash here tonight yeah?" George interrupted. But I certainly didn't mind after what I just heard.
Dominic smiled & took out his phone "go on then!"
After the short relieving phone call to my mum, Dominic said goodnight to us & they both went to bed.
"should we go to bed?.." I say quietly
"yeah its getting late & we wouldnt want to wake the little ones when we're down here" George whispers as he turned off the kitchen light.
He took my hand in his and I felt a shiver race down my spine.
He lead me up the staircase and we crept across the landing and into his room.
I walked in and smiled as George gently closed the door. His room was cold.
I stood awkwardly looking around.
George dived on his bed and hugged his pillow "you can never beat your own bed!"
I giggled and then rubbed my arms as I tried to get some heat into me.
"cold?" George said frowning staring up at me..
I nodded shyly..
George pushed himself back a bit and then opened his arms "ill give you a cuddle, Come here"
I couldn't resist..Who would anyway?
I walked over and lay down beside George as he wrapped his arms around me and brought me close to his body...
I closed my eyes and buried my head in his chest. He smelt of faded hollister spray.
I breathed in deeply. I never wanted to leave this moment. I've dreamt about it for so long...
As we both lay there for a while I felt myself drift off into a sleep but I woke myself up again...
"George.." i said quietly as I looked up at him..
"mhm..?" he said sleepily
I sat up and looked around "before you go asleep mister, I need to have a bed to sleep on for the night!"
George cheekily smiled and put his hands under his head and stared at me.. "there's a bed right here.."

You've Changed.. (George Shelley Fanfic)
FanficGeorge & I had been best friends since we were 5 years old. We were always Inseparable! We just loved each other so much...