
33 2 7

I was tagged by Artemis_Fang to do this. 13 facts about me. But I can only put 10. Soz. LESSGO!
1- I once went to a festival where Reece Mastin performed back when he was massive
2- Zane is Senpai
3- on the inside I am Kawaii~Chan
4- my personality is a mix of Zane, Kawaii~Chan and Panda
5- if I could be doing anything right now, it would be either watching YouTube or going to America to meet some peeps
6- I have written my bucket list
7- I have not yet started my bucket list
8- i might be getting glasses
9- I asked to do a face reveal but I wasn't allowed
10- I was once bullied by a guy called Sam and stood up to him once. It didn't go to well. Whenever he sees me he gives me a death stare and runs his finger across his throat. I just laugh and walk away.
I tag:

Ye! Peace out recruits!

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