Important message!

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Important message that I was tagged to stress to you by GeneralSparklez4628
Enjoy this message and STOP BULLYING NOW!
I was sort of bullied. I didn't tell my parents because it wasn't too big but my friend and I told the teachers and it was sorted out.
Sam, you are the worst (the Sam that bullied my friend and I. Not any other Sam coz other Sam's are awesome! Comment if ur real name is Sam (if u want))
It didn't feel very good and it sux to be bullied.
Bullies usually bully because they are self conscious or they have family problems and stuff.
Just remember, you are awesome!
If you are a bully, stop and think for a minute. 'How would it feel if they bullied me? I wouldn't like it so I'm not gonna make them feel the same way!' Would be a good place to start off.
Bullies suck! They are the worst!
Thank you for listening! Stop bulling or else!
Peace out recruits!

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