Just some things I need to say...

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Hey guys. I have some things to tell you. I might as well put the topics in dot points then go over then one by one. I think then my mind will be clear and I won't be all over the place.

-The Death Quest

-Profile Change
-My Second Profile


-Future Stories


Point one: The Death Quest.

In the last chapter I said something about me not being sure about posting the story I wrote called 'The Death Quest'. I really don't have any interest in posting it. I don't ship either of the ships in it any more and it's an undertale book, which is fine I still like undertale, but I'm not as into it. It is a bit weird posting a book about a certain fandom that you're not too involved in anymore. The book isn't going ahead, which means that it will be much longer until I post a story. I'll have to write it behind the scenes, then post it chapter at a time (hopefully daily). So, to sum up this part, no Death Quest. It's not happening, I'm sorry.

Point Two: Profile Change

You may notice (or may not) but I've had an almost complete profile change. The only things that really stayed the same were my books and bio. I'll be changing the bio slightly, but otherwise it will be completely the same. Back in the good old days (like yesterday) when I was known as 'Kawaii_Spider_Queen' people called be 'Spider' for short. Now, there really isn't anything like that in 'SeriouslyNotAWeeaboo' so just call me 'Weeaboo' or 'Jenna'. Jenna isn't my real name, but that's what I go by on the internet now. Except my second account. That's Alex.

Point Three: My Second Profile

So, second profile. This profile will be less fandom/anime/weeaboo and more into serious writing. I will post some of my better stories there. I might have a book or two come out there where I post some of the stories I wrote back in primary school that my friend Amie should remember (Bubble girl and the best mermaid friends). I will be posting my story Secrets to that and any stories on my Quotev page will be posted to there. This account will be more fandom weird crap. Maybe a few serious stories, but mainly fandom stuff and one-shots (if I feel like it). I will leave cues to that in some chapters. Maybe I'll leave a stray letter or include the words in a passage or something. That's a clue by the way. It's made up of two words. I think? I will not follow this account and they will not follow me, but we might vote on each other's stuff every now and then so it will be in our activity to maybe help you guys out. I haven't posted anything there yet, but be sure to keep an eye on my activity if you want to find the account where my writing will actually be okay.

Point Four: Inactivity

I am so inactive on wattpad lately because I've been updating secrets on quotev. I'm sorry about my inactivity, but I should be coming back soon. I will try to update more often and I will try to give more content but it's hard. I have writers block for literally everything but Secrets. I don't have much happening in my life, either so this book will be dying until something interesting like  a tag or an update. Maybe a clue here and there? I don't know. I'll try to be more active.

Part Five: Future Stories

I really don't have any ideas for stories I could post here so I need some fandoms to get into so I can write about them. One-shots and stuff. I might write a book called Seeing Double and post it on here, but that's more of a story for Alex (second acc) so there's really no point.

Part Six: Competition

I had an idea. Like no one will want to do this or will care but maybe I could start a competition or something? Like I create a prompt and a deadline. Whoever wants to goes out and makes a story out of the prompt and tags me in it. A winner will be chosen and there will be no point to it. Comment if you want that because this page is really dead and needs some life. I get about two views on anything I post, so I won't get entries but doesn't matter. If you would like to see a competition, go ahead and tell me in the comments.

That's all from this dead book and dead page. I'll try to update again soon. Peace out.

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