I joined two new fandoms. Pls help me.

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You read the title. I joined two new fandoms. Not one. Two. TWO. Actually no. Three, come to think of it. God help me. They are awesome fandoms though and I love them and I'm now obsessed with them. I'll explain how I joined them and when I joined the fandom.

First off, I joined the Undertale fandom. I can't explain how much I love Undertale. I know. I joined the fandom in like 2015 (the year it was created) but I wasn't a hardcore fan. I knew about it and I had watched one person play both pacifist and genocide on YouTube, so that doesn't really count. I remember when I first got the game I sat down for like three hours and nearly got to Temmie Village but I got lost before the Dark Room and reset. Now I'm stuck in a loop of reset (the True Reset button won't show up but meh). I don't really care because I HAVE THE SECRET-SECRET CODE! For any Undertale fans out there, you know what I mean. I'm on my way to the secret-secret-secret code and them the key to Sans's room (<--- spoiler? Idk. It's rly rare so i wouldn't count it). I will get the key. I am DETERMINED to get the key (get the reference? Anyone? No. Okay. I'll leave now.)

Before I start in detail spoiling the game, I will move on to the second fandom I joined. *takes deep breath* Homestuck. I joined the Homestuck fandom. THE COMIC IS SO GOOD! I'll leave a link at the end of the chapter to it. You don't have to read it, but you can if you want to read the best online comic. Just saying, KARKAT IS MINE! Jk but he is my fave character along with Dave Strider. I kinda ship them tbh. Karkat Vantas x Dave Strider is a cute ship, okay? Read the comic and you will understand. Before I start referencing things and giving out major spoilers, let's move on to the third fandom.

I'm not sure if this counts as a proper fandom, but the Undertale AU's. THERE IS SO MANY! Like omg. My fave AU is definitely Underfell. 1000000000000000%. Underfell sans is so edgy like why you so edgy? The star Sanses are pretty cool too. Don't judge. Pls. If you have no idea what I'm talking about google 'Underfell Sans' or 'The Star Sanses' and you will see how awesome they are. Blueberry is cute, Inky is creative and Dream is literally a dream. They are creators. I'm surprised Inky and Error get along so well though like how? Error is a destroyer of Universes. Why does the creator of universes love the destroyer of universes and same the other way around? Ok. I'll stop with the kinda-not-really-a-fandom stuff now and move on.

So. That's the two fandoms and the kinda not really a fandom. Hope you have a wonderful day and peace out recruits!

The link to Homestuck, as promised: 


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