12||Core Four Saves the Day

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"I'm gonna do it." I stated with confidence.

"No you're not. I don't believe you." Reina came back.

"Have you met me? My mind is set. It's happening. You're too late." I said with finality while crossing my arms.

"Ugh!" Reina yelled and fell back on my bed where our outfits for tonight's Girl Meets World taping were laid out.

"Dude, you're going to wrinkle our outfits! I can't look messy when Corey falls in love with me." I huffed and grabbed by outfit to change. Since I'm so close to Reina, I just changed right there. She doesn't care anyway.

"Who said he's going to fall in love with you? Isn't it like bad publicity to date a fan or something?" She asked.

"Don't know. Don't care. But I'm going to sweep Corey off of his feet with my record-breaking awkwardness. Just you wait!"

"I've been waiting." Reina mumbled.

I sat down next to her and stared at her.
"OKAY, I'm sorry!" She shouted in mock anger. "I just don't want you to get hurt, you know that right? I'm behind you one-hundred percent as always."

I hugged her and smiled. "Yeah, I know. You've always been there to protect me and I love that about you. Will you just back me up this time even if it could end messily?"

"Okay. Only for you." She surrendered getting up to change. "Let's go get you a man!"

My mom drove up to the studio and dropped us off. "I'll be back to pick you up when it's over. Love you girls!"

Our typical "love you too" farewells were said and we waited in line to get inside of the studio.
The taping just ended and I didn't even get a chance to hug Corey. Saying that I'm disappointed would be a major understatement.

My shoulders hung low and I just stared at the ground.

"Come on. You'll get to kiss him someday." Reina reminded me even though I doubted it would happen.

"No I won't. He's going to end up dating a model or something and I'm going to remain nothing to him. I guess I'll just tell my mom to pick us up." I confessed and pulled out my phone.

Moments later my phone was snatched out of my hands and safely placed into Reina's pocket.

"Hey, I need that!" I reprimanded her.

"No you don't. We're going out to eat, I have money so it's my treat." She said and walked away.

Catching up with her I complained. "My mom is going to kill us."

"She'll forgive us. In the meantime let's just have fun!" She screamed causing us to giggle and look at the different restaurants lining the blocks.

We came up to my favorite restaurant, I didn't even know those were located here!
"Oh my god, Reina, we have to eat here."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, but you have to take me to Sushi Samba next time!" I agreed and we entered the restaurant.

"Hi, we'd like a table for two." I said to the desk guy and my best friend nodded just wanting food.

"I'm sorry. Do you even have money?" He laughed mocking us. "This is kind of an expensive restaurant and well..." He leaned in whispering. "I'm just going to assume you don't have enough money even for water."

This enraged me so much. Maybe I'm not rich but how could he possibly know that by looking at me? No one has that ability.

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