16 || The Senior Class

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This will have a power complex I.e. Corey is a popular senior with great grades and the main girl is a junior who needs tutoring.

"Mom, I don't need tutoring." I say indignantly whole while stirring my sweetener into my tea.

"You math grade is terrible! You need to put more focus on your homework, and less on your distractions."

I roll my eyes and she turns to me. "I'm emailing your teacher now. I told her you're available for mornings too."

I swear it took every fibre of my being to not throw a tantrum right there.

I went to sleep that night angry as hell.

The bell rang at 8:20 indicating the school day began. We went over sin, tangent, and cotangent with I already forgot the purpose of. I pretty much dazed off into a different dimension until I noticed everyone else packing up. I followed in suit, but as the bell rang my teacher waved me over.

"Hi Eli, how are you?" My teacher asked with a kind smile. I said fine and she looked at me uncomfortably before bringing up my mothers email.

"I noticed your mother got in contact with me about your grades, she seems to think tutoring would be the best solution."

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm sorry. I know you must be really busy."

"I actually am with the baby and all. So I've decided to pair you with a senior who excelled in this class if that's alright with you."

Worry instantly settled into my chest. Meeting new people is not a fave.

"He's used to coming to school in the mornings because he has zero period weightlifting. Since he got injured in an accident he's just been showing up, but sitting the activities out. Of course I thought he could use that time to tutor you."

She continued to ramble but I just realized I'd have to come early to school.

"What time should I be here, and what days?" I asked trying to cut to the chase.

"You'll need to be here by 7:40 every morning. I know that sounds awful but Corey already agreed, and your mom insisted. Okay where are you going next? I'll write you a pass."

I told her film and left in a hurry. Corey? I hope she's not talking about Corey Daniels. He's the rudest boy I've ever met.

The next morning I woke up at 6:50, got dressed in leggings and a school hoodie, braided my hair, and out on some light makeup. (By that I mean I penciled in my eyebrows and applied mascara) I left the house by 7:25 and got some coffee from Dunkin Donuts. I ordered a cup of munchkins as a gift to me for getting up on time.

Whilst pulling into the junior parking lot, I really had to give myself a pep talk to convince myself tutoring is worth turning off Declan McKenna. Slough that's entirely untrue, I took my keys out and proceeded towards the library anyways.

I look around and finally notice Corey... Fogelmanis? Oh thank the lord! I sat with him at lunch the first week of school sophomore year because I transferred in and recognized him as my older cousins old theatre friend.

I quickly walk towards the table he's sat at. "Thank god!" I say into the silence, and can tell I've startled him. "I thought you were gonna be Corey Daniels and I almost didn't get out of bed."

"Between you and me, I wouldn't have either." He cracked a smile and it almost made being up at the ass crack if dawn okay. Well, almost. As if on cue I yawned.

He yawns after me in suit. "You know," he whispers and moves in as if he's telling em a secret. "If two people yawn at the same time it means they love each other."

I laughed it off and he chucked as well. But I absolutely pinched myself under the table just to make sure this was real.

The tutoring began and went rather well. We had a late start but neither of us minded. I even turned a blind eye when I saw Corey pluck a munchkin from my Dunkin Donuts cup. God knows I rarely turn the blind eye to someone taking my food.

He closed his school laptop. "Okay, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He says and smiles. I nod and put my things away. "That you will." I sling my bag over my shoulder and head to math. Over my shoulder I say "and don't think I didn't see that munchkin!" And I giggle.

"I guess I'll have to bring the donuts tomorrow then Hawkeye." I smile at the superhero reference and the rest of the semester goes on like that.

We alternate bringing snacks in the morning and start arriving earlier and earlier, all the way until the time zero period normally begins.

Of course, there does come a time when we start dating, but that's for another story and a different day.


A/N: I feel like this didn't have enough Corey in it. Should I do a part two? And if so what? I'll also start talking requests if anyone wants one.

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