10||Tandem Bike (fluff)

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I've decided to make this a North Carolina AU bc LA doesn't have the fall I'm describing and NC is beautiful in fall. Corey doesn't work on Girl Meets World in this.

Today isn't the first day of fall because that happened weeks ago, but it sure feels like it. The weather is that perfect temperature between warm and chilly where you can wear long or short sleeves and it wouldn't make a difference.

The leaves are a perfect mix of green yellow and orange. Some fallen leaves litter the ground making the earth look like an artists canvas. I decided to take a walk around my neighborhood.

Don't get me wrong. I rarely go on walks. The summer is just so hot why even leave my room? So I can melt? I do the reasonable thing and binge watch whatever I can on Netflix while simultaneously keeping up with my fan accounts.

But during fall walks just feel right and they make me happy. I put on my outfit and proceed to the door. "Sweetie, where are you going?" My mom calls out. I completely forgot to tell her where I'm going. "Sorry, I'm just going on a walk." I assure her.

"Okay, have fun and don't do anything you aren't supposed to!" "I won't!" I yell while rolling my eyes and walking out the door. Mothers.

I'm a couple blocks down from my house when the thoughts of my favorite food are put to a halt. "Danielle!" I hear someone yell. I turn around to lock eyes with Corey Fogelmanis. Oh no, this is not good.

Every time I talk to him I freeze up and have no idea what to say. I mean, how could I not? He's so perfect it's almost like he doesn't exist.

"Hey!" I yell hoping he'll leave it at that but of course moment later he gestures me to come closer. I can already sense that I'm going to make a fool out of my self. "So, how have you been? I don't see you much at school." He says while fidgeting with his right sleeve and subtly kicking the ground.

"I've been better but yeah, I'm good. But yeah it really sucks we don't have any classes together this semester." I agreed. Putting my awkwardness aside we actually get along really well and would always talk in class.

"Wanna make up for lost time?" He questions with a smug look on his face. I squint my eyes at him wondering what he means and continue the conversation. "How do plan on doing that?" I interrogate. "With this!" He says in an over dramatic way causing my to laugh.

He disappears into his garage and comes out with a peculiar bike that has two seats. I walk around it in a circle and glare at it judgingly. "Do you want me to get on that or..." I ask unsurely.

"Yeah, hop on!" He says excitedly already getting on the front seat. "But what if we tip over and die or something!" I yell throwing my hands up for dramatic affect.

He pretends to think over my really valid question for a moment. "Then I guess I'll see you in heaven. Or not, I mean I don't know what you do in your free time." He sasses and winks at me.

"Whatever I'll get on this death trap." I whine and get on the back. Both of our feet are on the ground preventing us from tipping over and it looks like he's about to say something but I speak up first. "Hey, where are we going?"

"I'm not sure, the only close enough places to go to by hike are the park and Starbucks. Is that alright?" He asks. I nod because that doesn't sound too bad. I mean, I didn't tell my mom I'm leaving the neighborhood on a bike with a boy but what she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?

Corey Fogelmanis ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now