Chapter 22

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Jace P.O.V

"Ugh hate paparazzi!" Clary said as we entered Taki's. Luckily for us, Taki's is a private restaurant for important people or clebreties, like me and Clary. Or people who are loaded, in other words, rich people

"Yeah I know, sorry about that." I said. I led us to an empty table. I sat down, so I was facing the wall and Clary sat across from me.

I realized that I'm still Holding Clary's hand across the table. Her hand was warm on mine and I didn't want to let go, so I didn't, but a second later Clary let go of my hand.

Good thing the windows are tinted, so the paparazzi didn't catch us both holding hands.

Although, the windows are tinted and the paparazzi can't see us and we can't see them very clearly, I could still hear them, snapping pictures, screaming— wait I just remembered something.

"So wait, hold up. Your mom is pregnant?" I asked in hoping to start a conversation."Isn't twenty four years a long gap." Clary rolled her eyes and picked out one of the four menus, that were sitting next to the napkins.

"It's not my fault Luke didn't make a move earlier." She said as she looked through the menu. I chuckled and picked out one of the menus and skinned through it.

"Hello Jace." Said a voice, beside me. I instantly knew who the voice belonged.

Ugh. I look up to see Kaelie batting her eyelashes at me. Man, you hook up with one waiter from Taki's and you never hear the end of it.

"Hey Kaelie." I said in an annoyed tone. I heard a cute chuckle across from me. I looked away from Kaelie and find a very amused Clary.

"I will have Moo Shu Pork." I said as I put down the menu.

"Coconut pancakes please." Clary said.

"Oh Clarissa. I didn't see you there." Kaelie said as she wrote down our order.
"Oh and don't worry Josh isn't here. So don't bother"

Don't bother? What does she mean?

"Ah! Don't worry. At least I'm not drooling. Oh by the way do you want a napkin?" Clary said as she handed her a white napkin.

Kaelie just glared at her and stormed away.

Once Kaelie was out of sight, I burst out laughing. "What was that for?"

"What! She was getting in my nerves." Clary said as she looked at me straight in the eye.

"Are you sure it wasn't out of...Jealousy?" I said as I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

"In your dreams, blondie." She said as she leaned forward.

"Oh trust me your always in them." I replied and winked at her. I leaned forward so we were a couple inches apart.

I looked at her lips and then back at her green eyes and then back to her lips. I wanted to lean in but decided against it since we were in a public place.

Clary was the first one to break our gaze. She leaned back in her seat and started gazing around the restaurant, but not before I saw a small blush creeping up just above her cheeks.

After that we stopped talking. Although Every once in a while we would make eyes contact, but we quickly looked away, like we were both embarrassed after what happen. I know why I'm embarrassed, but I don't know why Clary is.

Huh weird.

"Okay here you go Jace." Kaelie said as she set down my plate that was covered with Moo Shu Pork, gracefully. I then notice that she had Clary's coconut pancakes in her right palm of her hand. She then put her plate down, very rudely if I might add.

Clary made a noise that sounded like a muffled chuckle.

Kaelie huffed and turned around, heading back to the kitchen.

"Didn't you and her used to...You know." Clary said as she picked up a fork and  started to cut her coconut pancakes.

I sighed.

"Ugh. You do it one time when you're drunk." I said. "And you never hear the end of it." I said. Then followed by an exasperated sigh.

Clary burst out laughing.

"Oh so it is true!" She said while calming down.

"Yeah, yeah." I said. "Whatever."

We continued to eat our meals and started some small talk here and there. I never thought someone would make me laugh for five minutes straight, but here I was laughing along with Clary.

At some point Clary's phone buzzed.

"Oh it's Simon." Clary said. That made my laugh died down. "He and Izzy are freaking out and demanding where I am, but its barely...10:52!"

What!? 10:52? Huh I guess its true what they say, time flies when you're having a good time.

"Umm...okay then I guess we should go." I said as I got up and started reaching for my wallet, but clary stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"You don't have to pay the bill." She said. "I can pay it."

"Um no I will pay it." I said as I put a fifty dollar bill on the table. "End of discussion."

"Ugh fine." She said. "Lets go its late." She then grabbed my wrist and led me towards the door. She then stopped which made me bump into her. She staggered forward a little bit but regain her balance.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I said.

"The paparazzi are swarming this place." She whispered/yelled at me.

I took a closer look at the windows and noticed people surrounding the building and flashes that came from cameras.

I then looked around to see if any ideas came to me.

I suddenly saw a red haired girl, that was obviously dyed, and a blonde kid next too her. Judging by the closeness of the red haired girl and the blonde kid, I can tell that they are a couple. Also of the diamond bracelet the girl is wearing, I can tell that she is loaded with cash.

A smile crept up in face.

"Come on, I have an idea." I said to her as I grab a hold on her arm and made our way to the rich couple.

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