Points Of Awe

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"Im not going to school. Im all ears."

Chica layed down between Jack and I, putting her head on Jacks knee.
I didn't expect Jack to flinch, or else I wouldn't have allowed Chica to.


She looked at me, confusion laced in her eyes, so I patted my knee.
She put her head on my knee instead.

"Im sorry Jack, she a gentle giant. Are you scared of dogs?"

"Ive never really been allowed to pet them."

His voice was shying.

"You can pet Chica if you like, shes nothing like that fucking duck."

Jack chuckled, and slowly pet Chica.
He pet her behind the ears, and he sort of jumped or recoiled when Chicas leg moved against her arm.

"Its alright, its just her reaction when she enjoys things. She really is just a big lug-a-mug."

Jack noddes, smiling, petting her back this time, much, much slower.

"So Jack, what are you doing out here?"

"I said its a long story, are you sure you want to listen?"

"Yes Im sure, preech."

"Uh-uhmmm o-ok..
Well when I was seven, my mom committed suicide, and everything went down hill, very fast. I never got a reson why, there was no suicide note, no 'you know I love yous' before school. Nothing. Just, coming home from school, and finding your mother in the bath tub, dead. I never really looked at her though...
A voice I still hear told me.. He used to he nice, like my friend who was the smarted kid, and could remeber all the things I would forget. He told me don't look behind the curtain, just call the police. Anti.. Anti started tourchering me after my dad started to more regularly. He calls me names and such, telling me how useless I am. He was a complete dick. He still is, Im suprised he hasnt yelled at me yet.
Well. Anyway, my father decided abusing me, was the best thing to do. My mom brought money, so in no time, we were broke. After awhile..
He started to uhh.. "

His eyes where glossed, and he was staring into no where.
Tears pricked at his eyes.

I pulled him into a side ways hug.
It was sort of awkward, seeing as Chica was in the middle of us, but she moved, and sat infront of Jack. She licked him a few times, then walked around the old store.
Jack couldn't hold back the tears as the fell down his cheeks, splatting on the floor.

We stayed like that for a while.
Who would do such a thing to Jack? He seems so nice, why him?

We stayed like that for a while, until Chica started barking like crazy.

I stood up, quickly, speed walking over to Chica. What was she barking at?

A police officer. And a police hound. He was nocking.

I was hiding behind the counter, but Chica was out in the open. The officer knew someone was here. That was obvious.

Jack crawled behind me, watching. Knock knock.

The hound barked, and Chica did as well. It's obvious someone was here.

I heard Jack's voice.
"Are you gonna go up to him?"

I nodded, stepping away from the cover. I opened the door.

"What are you doing here boy?"

"I work here sir."

"Where's your uniform?"

"It got ruined when I was helping this customer with the slushy machine."

Jack stood up, walking out.
He had a hat on, as well as a hood. He waved.


"Oh well. Have you seen a boy, green hair, 5'2?"

"Hmm... A guy like that came around today. He bought a few things then left. He seemed real sceptical."

"Do you know which way he went?"

"Deeper in the forest? I don't know. He left in a hurry."

"Thank you boy. And, put your dog on a leash. Alright?"

" Yes sir."

"Have a good day."

He left, and I immediately exhaled. He did as well.


Jack's P.O.V.

Marks voice echoed through the store. His voice was brave and he didn't seem worried at all. But I knew he needed more of an explanation.


School just started so it's much harder. But I will try at least once a week, or twice short.

Thank you all who read.

Do any of you go to mills? No? Ok.

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